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Hello everyone!

 Welcome to a very special discussion update! Today, I am very happy to announce that The Northwood Lair celebrates its 7th anniversary next month! (7 years already!?) With the 7th anniversary nearly upon us, I would like to take a quick moment to once again thank each one of you for your support along these past seven years, and to say that it is truly my genuine honor and pleasure to continue to make even more for everyone to enjoy! And, with this in mind, and as customary for every anniversary, it is my top priority to make a very large amount of new H content to celebrate! This year will be mildly different from our past six anniversary updates due to current events, however we will still have our much-beloved yearly tradition and all of its rapid new H content! Let's enjoy a small interlude before we reach our 7th anniversary to plan what everyone would love to see for the anniversary celebration~! \^o^/

The Northwood Lair is celebrating 7 years of content! What would you love to see added in the rapid anniversary updates?

Beginning around the timeframe of the end of September, it would be my honor to celebrate all of you by creating a very large amount of new H content with your personal favorite ideas for The Northwood Lair! In addition to your amazing ideas, I also have some special H content that I am very excited to introduce as part of our anniversary celebration!

Please be free, my dear friends! What would you love to see added to this year's anniversary updates? Would you like to see a special H scene of your choosing together with one of your favorite Vocaloid beauties? Would you like a new area to play in together with your favorite girls? If you have an exciting idea that you would love to see, this is the perfect place to be! In the comments section below, please be free to share with me your favorite ideas in as much detail as possible, and I will begin to create them as quickly as possible for the anniversary celebration around the timeframe of the end of September! Or, if you would like, please also be free to send me a private message with your ideas any time! This is your Lair, let your wildest dreams come true~! ^_^

In closing for today's update, this upcoming seventh anniversary is not only a celebration of the past seven amazing, friendship-filled years, but also a way for me to celebrate together with all of you, the most amazing community I could ever dream of! It will be my sincerest honor to give a very special thank you in a way that everyone loves: with lots of all-new, rapid H content! All of your beloved Vocaloids are waiting for you eagerly with anticipation! Which ones will you choose? What will you to with them? I am very excited to see what you would love to see, and I am excited always to create even more for you to enjoy!  Here is to many, many more years to come and beyond! \^o^/


 非常に特別なディスカッションアップデートへようこそ!本日、ノースウッドレアが来月7周年を迎えることをお知らせいたします。 (もう7年!?)7周年が近づいてきましたので、この7年間のご支援に改めて感謝申し上げますとともに、誠に光栄に存じます。そして、誰もが楽しめるように、これからももっと作り続けていきたいと思います!そして、これを念頭に置いて、そしてすべての記念日のための慣習として、祝うために非常に大量の新しいHコンテンツを作ることが私の最優先事項です!今年は、現在のイベントにより、過去6周年の更新とは少し異なりますが、それでも、私たちの大いに愛されている毎年の伝統とその急速な新しいHコンテンツのすべてがあります!結婚7周年を迎える前に、ちょっとした間奏を楽しみながら、みんなが見たいと思う結婚記念日を企画しましょう〜! \ ^ o ^ /

Northwood Lairは7年のコンテンツを祝っています!記念日の迅速な更新で何が追加されるのを見たいですか?


親愛なる友よ、自由になってください!今年のアニバーサリーアップデートに何を追加してほしいですか?あなたが選んだ特別なHシーンをあなたの好きなボーカロイドの美しさの1つと一緒に見たいですか?お気に入りの女の子と一緒に遊ぶ新しいエリアをご希望ですか?あなたが見たいと思うエキサイティングなアイデアを持っているなら、これは完璧な場所です!下記のコメント欄に、お気に入りのアイデアをできるだけ詳しく教えてください。9月末頃の記念日のお祝いに向けて、できるだけ早くアイデアを作成していきます!または、ご希望の場合は、いつでも私にあなたのアイデアをプライベートメッセージで送ってください!これがあなたの隠れ家です、あなたの最もワイルドな夢を叶えましょう〜! ^ _ ^

本日の更新の締めくくりとして、この7周年は、過去7年間の素晴らしい友情に満ちた年のお祝いであるだけでなく、私がこれまでに夢見た中で最も素晴らしいコミュニティである皆さんと一緒に祝う方法でもあります。誰もが愛する方法で非常に特別な感謝を捧げることは私の心からの名誉です:たくさんのまったく新しい、迅速なHコンテンツで!愛するボーカロイドの皆さんが、期待を込めて熱心にお待ちしております!どれを選びますか?あなたは彼らと何をしますか?私はあなたが見たいと思うものを見るのをとても楽しみにしています、そして私はあなたが楽しむためにもっともっと作ることをいつも楽しみにしています!これから何年も、そしてそれを超えて、これがあります! \^o^/

여러분, 안녕하세요!

 아주 특별한 토론 업데이트에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 오늘 Northwood Lair가 다음 달에 7주년을 맞이하게 되었음을 알려드리게 되어 매우 기쁩니다! (벌써 7년이라니!? ^^) 7주년을 앞두고 있는 지금, 7년 동안 보내주신 성원에 다시 한 번 감사의 말씀을 드리며 진심으로 영광입니다. 그리고 모두가 즐길 수 있도록 계속해서 더 많은 즐거움을 선사합니다! 그리고 이것을 염두에 두고, 그리고 매 기념일마다 관례적으로, 축하할 새로운 H 콘텐츠를 대량으로 만드는 것이 저의 최우선 과제입니다! 올해는 현재 이벤트로 인해 지난 6주년 업데이트와 약간 다를 것이지만, 우리는 여전히 많은 사랑을 받는 연간 전통과 모든 빠른 새로운 H 콘텐츠를 유지할 것입니다! 7주년이 되기 전에 모두가 보고 싶어하는 기념일을 계획하기 위해 잠깐의 막간을 즐기자~! \^o^/

Northwood Lair는 콘텐츠 7주년을 기념합니다! 빠른 기념일 업데이트에 추가되었으면 하는 것은 무엇입니까?

9월 말 무렵부터 Northwood Lair에 대해 개인적으로 가장 좋아하는 아이디어로 매우 많은 양의 새로운 H 콘텐츠를 만들어 여러분 모두를 축하하게 되어 영광입니다! 당신의 놀라운 아이디어 외에도 기념일 축하의 일환으로 소개하게 된 특별한 H 콘텐츠도 있습니다!

자유로워지십시오, 친애하는 친구 여러분! 올해의 기념일 업데이트에 추가되었으면 하는 것은 무엇입니까? 좋아하는 보컬로이드 미녀와 함께 선택한 특별한 H씬을 함께 보시겠습니까? 좋아하는 소녀들과 함께 놀 수 있는 새로운 공간을 원하십니까? 보고 싶은 흥미진진한 아이디어가 있다면 이곳이 완벽한 장소입니다! 아래 댓글 섹션에서 가장 좋아하는 아이디어를 최대한 자세히 공유해 주세요. 9월 말쯤에 기념일 축하 행사를 위해 최대한 빨리 만들도록 하겠습니다! 또는 원하는 경우 언제든지 아이디어와 함께 개인 메시지를 보내주십시오! 여기가 당신의 은신처입니다, 당신의 가장 거친 꿈을 실현시키십시오~! ^_^

오늘 업데이트를 마치며, 다가오는 7주년은 지난 7년 동안 우정으로 가득 찬 놀라운 7년을 축하할 뿐만 아니라 제가 꿈꿀 수 있는 가장 놀라운 커뮤니티인 여러분 모두와 함께 축하할 수 있는 방법이기도 합니다! 새롭고 빠른 H 콘텐츠로 모두가 좋아하는 방식으로 매우 특별한 감사를 전하게 되어 진심으로 영광입니다! 사랑하는 보컬로이드 여러분 모두가 기대하는 마음으로 여러분을 기다리고 있습니다! 어떤 것을 선택하시겠습니까? 당신은 그들과 무엇을 할 것인가? 나는 당신이 보고 싶어하는 것을 보게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 그리고 나는 당신이 즐길 수 있도록 더 많이 만들게 되어 항상 흥분됩니다! 앞으로 더 많은, 더 많은 세월이 흐를 것입니다! \^o^/


 欢迎来到一个非常特别的讨论更新!今天,我很高兴地宣布,Northwood Lair 将于下个月庆祝成立 7 周年! (已经七年了!?)七周年即将到来,我想借此机会再次感谢大家在过去七年中的支持,并说这真的是我真正的荣幸并很高兴继续为每个人提供更多享受!而且,考虑到这一点,按照每个周年纪念的惯例,制作大量新的 H 内容来庆祝是我的首要任务!由于当前的事件,今年将与我们过去的六周年更新略有不同,但我们仍将保留我们备受喜爱的年度传统及其所有快速的新 H 内容!让我们在七周年之前来个小插曲,计划一下大家都希望看到的周年庆典吧~! \^o^/

Northwood Lair 正在庆祝 7 年的内容!您希望在快速的周年纪念更新中看到哪些内容?

从 9 月底开始,我很荣幸通过为 Northwood Lair 创作大量新的 H 内容来庆祝你们所有人!除了您的精彩创意之外,我还有一些特别的 H 内容,我很高兴在我们的周年庆典中介绍这些内容!

请自由吧,我亲爱的朋友们!您希望在今年的周年纪念更新中看到哪些内容?你想和你最喜欢的 Vocaloid 美女一起看你选择的特殊 H 场景吗?你想和你最喜欢的女孩一起玩一个新的区域吗?如果您有一个令人兴奋的想法并且很想看到,那么这里就是您的理想去处!在下面的评论部分,请尽可能详细地与我分享您最喜欢的想法,我将尽快开始为 9 月底的周年庆典创建它们!或者,如果您愿意,也请随时给我发私信,告诉我您的想法!这是你的巢穴,让你最狂野的梦想成真~! ^_^

在今天的更新结束时,即将到来的七周年纪念不仅是对过去七个令人惊奇、充满友谊的岁月的庆祝,也是我与大家一起庆祝的一种方式,这是我梦寐以求的最棒的社区!以一种大家都喜欢的方式来表达非常特别的感谢,这将是我最诚挚的荣幸:有很多全新的、快速的 H 内容!所有你心爱的VOCALOID都在期待中热切地等着你!你会选择哪些?你会对他们做什么?我很高兴看到你喜欢看到的东西,我总是很高兴能创造更多让你享受的东西!这是未来很多很多年! \^o^/

- Stratovarius




I'd love to see some IA stuff without bondage tools for once, either with henchmen or skull lord . Keep up the good work!


I'd love to see more Gumi or Rin and Neru content. For guni I think some bandage or something with the skull lord would be nice. As for Rin or Neru same sentiment.


Thank you very much~! If possible, please let me know more for your idea so that can plan for it~! ^_^


Ah! These are excellent ideas with Skull Lord! Please let me know how each would like for scenes, we can plan for them too~! ^_^


For gumi maybe have her bound similarly to hoe miku is for the skull lord. Or maybe as for Rin having Luka watching as she is with skull lord. As maybe Luka is behind them being used by skull lord. You have made it seem that Luka has a dominant side so I could see her forcing other vicaloids on skull lord or other henchmen.


I'd like to see more Miku contents with outfit.I think Vocaloid outfit is so cute and becomecontets attractive.


How about my idea for Tianyi and Miku?


这是个好主意,但我担心与动画触手的兼容性。 但是,如果有另一个没有触手的想法,我们也可以这样做~!^_^


I’d like to see IA’s sister OИE added to the game


Any chance to start building the process of the story? Could there really be something deeper in the game than just sexing with girls?


the reverse play on mikuXluka 3p or hakuXluka 3p is good too, make luka be the M side would be fresh and exciting. for new pose, W peace(V sign) would be very lewd or erotic too


What I would love to see is some upgrade of the Tavern and especially all those little options. There are many bondage options which are still greyed out. I would love tho have them. I want some more options for Haku in the restaurant area and the option to join ( Neru) in the background of the upper floor for a threesome, and to fuck Meiko when she guides you to the table on the upper floor. I would love to have full bondage option for the Rin/Neru threesome in the main room. AND the option to make all the service personal in the Tavern wear Buttplugs.


In the slave market I like the new design and the potential of having 3 girls there. I m still sad that Alice is out because she was one of my favorites but I understood that she is no vocaloid and on the wrong place i guess. I happily looking forward what you`ll do with that stage. I hope you have still my suggestion in mind about having the girls a competition on stage. I think about make them dance fully plugged on stage, than you have the opion to choose which girl cums first and this girl looses, and gets a "penalty" like a gangband or something like that from the audience.


I also want more girls in pose mode, and I can let them wear clothes or take off.


Honestly? I am first and foremost a Gamer, and so I would love to see something on story and rpg mode 😀


+1 to the buttplugs! the girls need some nice ass jewelry, in that regard on the stables I missed one more idea, it would be cool to have a zoo, have the girls bounded in a pet-like bondage, there we can have lots of ‘pets’ waggling their sexy asses stuffed with some animal tail buttplugs. Something like this link: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1906141?q=human_dog


I would love to have the option to gag and ungag during new H scene ^^


I agree 7 years and nothing really big is happening, I would also be happier if things continue in the right direction. Vocaloids are all well and good, we've only really seen enough of that in the past few years, story and RPG modes should be worked on now. Otherwise really Already done, but I like how you work on it =)


I agree. The option to ungag in scenes would be awesome


I'd like more Rin content in the private service scene. or just any rin content... rin..




谢谢你的写作! 马厩区域可能会被 Miku Doll 的新位置所取代(有些国家不允许 R18 内容与动物互动,这是为了保护这些人免受危险) ^_^


Just more crazy stuff with ether miku or the miku doll


just 1 more for Teto would be great plz :)