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Thanks to everyone who gave me their supportive comments regarding my dad.  He seems to be improving but having him in the hospital has been really rough for me.  In the months to come, I plan on introducing new features on my Patreon with a particular emphasis on comics.  However, I would like to get back to drawing some Special Request Line sequences.  I have been in a bit of a dark tunnel and wanted to create a new one from suggestions from patrons like you.

In the Special Request Line, any patron can suggest an idea for a sequence based on a theme.  I select five of my favorites and put them up for a poll for patrons on the $3 or higher tiers.  The winner of the poll gets drawn up by your truly.  The theme for this Special Request Line is a wildcard, that is, you can suggest anything.  

So, dear patrons, what would you like me to draw?



A sequel to a probing dilemma where the aliens get a taste of that babeifying lazer


How about trying an Inanimate TF where someone turns into a pair of pumps?