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Hey everyone! I'm sorry but I won't be able to stream today. For some time I have been feeling like my relationship was out of place and it was really wearing a toll on me. Last night my boyfriend and I decided to spend some time apart so I am currently at my parents and will be unable to stream. I plan on being back to business within a week. Thank you for understanding! <3 Chris (Diz)



I hope everything will go for the best in your relationship... for you and your boyfriend... Take some time for yourself... Running Patreon can be quite stressful sometimes and you shared with us some problems you have lately. So yes, rest a little, take a break, and come back stronger than ever!! :-) All the best for you, Chris. Alex


I hope everything works out ok Diz, big hugs like Alex has said take some time for yourself x

The Eight Phases

Hey Diz [Chris ;) ], Thanks for sharing with us. First, no worries about you needing time off. Just focus on you. Second, I've seen family members in unhealthy relationships. Some have left and some have stayed. Those who left have generally done better and found happiness with someone else later. I don't know if you relationship has gotten to that point, that's something only you can decide. Get all the advice you can from people you trust, like your parents (if they are accepting that is). Finally, do what is best for you. A separation could be the answer, "absence makes the heart grow fonder, while familiarity breeds contempt", as the saying goes. It also depends on whether your boyfriend is also willing to put in the work so you both have a healthy relationship. It's a lot to think about, so don't rush it because you feel like you need to get back to patreon. We will still be here no matter how long you need. Lots of love and wishing you the best! &lt;3 The Eight Phases (crazy eight) XD

Hours Left

Take care Diz! &lt;3


Thanks for letting us know. Take some time off if you need to.

Jeah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 15:01:43 &lt;3
2016-03-05 11:45:48 <3



Sorry to hear that things aren't going your way right now. Best wishes on getting things resolved amicably.

dizdoodz (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-24 15:01:44 Thank you &lt;3
2016-03-07 13:59:13 Thank you <3

Thank you <3