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Stream daddy number 2!




I've always wished Square did the whole Final Fantasy X thing a bit differently. Like instead of what we've got, I've wished it went something like this: First release Final Fantasy X-1 Titus' story. Second release Final Fantasy X-0 Auron's story. In this they could've really explained/showed just how did a person become a fayth, more backstory for not only our 3 main characters, but for Yu Yevon, Yunalesca, and other characters. Including new heroes & villains, especially since those new characters could've brought more to the table than what we got with: Third release Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna's story. They really should've rethink on how to make this game. Add the elements, plot threads, characters, drama & tension from the other two games into this one really could've come to a big climax for this game instead of the shit show that we got.



Hours Left

Amazing pic. I love Jecht. I wish he was the protagonist of FFX...

The Eight Phases

Jecht did not get enough screen time in FFX. This makes me wonder what kind of mischief Jecht, Auron, and Braska got into at night on their pilgrimage. Three guys, alone, in the middle of nowhere. . . We all know we were thinking it.