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Hello everybody! Rewards have been sent out, hopefully with out any issues! There were a lot of declined pledges this month, so if you are in this position and Patreon sorts it out, just let me know and I will send the package to you!

Congratulations to this month's SEVEN raffle winners! Yep! 7 winners this month (Not including those who win during streams). A, Luca, Fabrissou, Joshua Martinez, Rocket, Svyatoslav and Artem Kilmov. Please let me know what you would like for your sketch, and if you would like me to stream the process or not. 

You will also see in this month's package a short comic featuring Spiderman ;D The letters are not included yet but I finished the colours finally a short while ago and wanted to share as I am a bit behind on my own comic.

Again, thank you all so much, your support means the world to me.

<3 Diz




Whoa, wait, when was this raffle? Was this stream raffle only?


The start of every month for all pledges of 5 and up. I have just cropped the results as the list was incredibly long! Nope, stream raffles are separate and held within the stream so be sure to be there!


What are the limits for the sketch?


If we won, where can we let you know what we would like for our sketch?


OMG I won ! &lt;3 May you draw Guy Rogers ? (i'm sending you a reference by MP)