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So I'm going to use my daily warm-ups as an attempt at a 30 day OC challenge. Up first is Jason, who's one of the 2 main characters in my upcoming comic, and a little bit of his bio. Name: Jason Hawk Age: 20 From: Firmus Bio: Orphaned at age 13 from to a terrorist attack which killed his parents. Like many during this time, he was plucked from an upper-middle class lifestyle and thrown to the streets. Now he's a seasoned street urchin, or "Firman-Vermin" as they are uncomplimentary referred to as in the city. He's grown to be very resourceful and is quite capable of taking care of himself. Oh and his favourite flavour is anything citrus. Hope you like him! Can't wait to do tomorrows! Now I must go back to work preparing the animation for you guys!




Jason's bringing sexy back ;)