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Hey guys! Pledges have begun to be processed! I need to let you guys know that I had to remove the sketch raffle from my rewards. Upon surfing Patreon's FAQ it seems that raffles are a no-no. I'm really sorry! I will still do the monthly pairing poll of course. Thank you all so much and again, I apologize.



Uh interesting, I know many artists who do raffles, I didnt knew they were against the site guidelines.


No problem anyway! :)


Really? All artists around do raffles... Maybe you can ask them how they do this?


<a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204199489-Can-I-offer-a-raffle-for-one-of-my-rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204199489-Can-I-offer-a-raffle-for-one-of-my-rewards-</a> I was surprised to see this as well, as a lot of the artists I see on here offer raffles. I'm trying to come up with something else in its stead. You guy's have any ideas?


If you, for example, made it open to all followers and gave patrons more chances to win, it is no longer pay to enter, and I *believe* no longer considered gambling under that logic? Unless you really only want to make it for Patrons, in which case I'm not sure how you might get around that..


I think it's something similar to a speed limit on the roads. Yes, everyone knows they should not go faster. But everyone goes faster. And if you don't break the rule too much (going too fast), no one cares ))) Seriously, just ask other artists if they had any problems with that or how they avoid this restriction.


after deliberation and more research I've decided to reinstate the monthly raffle!