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Hi new commers, and older supporters alike! if you're new here, be sure to set limits for your payout because my patreon is per post and because there are several chances to set limits that have to willfully be ignored to not notice, I WILL NOT BE GIVING REFUNDS. for everyone else i tried to pick a fun subject and i had fun working on the requests so i hope you all enjoy.




I'm only a 1$ patron but I do greatly appreciative how on deadline you are with your sets. Given that you give a minimum 1$ for subs you've been beyond fair with your pricing, and your art quality delivers at least that. Point is I look forward to the next set and know you won't disappoint. Asking for a refund seems petty to me. It's a buck. and your work per piece would individually sell at at least 30$ a pop per image. Tovio you're a talented dude and I mean that beyond the fact that I fap to you re work lol. You are a genuinely good artist.