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Breaking Bad: Season 2 - Episode 4 & 5 - Patreon Exclusive


Travis H

As others stated the hatred for Skyler online while the show was airing was enormous (and VERY gross)! It was mainly from men who saw Walt as a good guy and they wanted him to become this massive drug lord. It was like a power fantasy for a lot of them and they viewed Skyler as his biggest threat from power. She was just the “nagging wife” who slowed him down from getting what he wanted so they would constantly post absolute vitriol about both the character and the actress. According to Anna Gunn there were threats to her and it made her time on the show difficult. I will also add that not all Skyler hate was toxic, but the majority of it was and it overshadowed most actual complaints. It also made talking about the show online really difficult. Thankfully a lot of the hate for her has dropped once the show ended, and more people look at her more positively than they did when it aired.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Yeah I don't understand why people would treat an actor badly for portraying even a really bad character, really well, that's so bizarre. Lena Headey also caught a lot of hell from people for Cersei but she took it as a compliment. Anna Gunn was great in Deadwood so I never had a problem differentiating her from Skyler as a character, not that I would anyway lol, she's an actor. I will say I wasn't happy with some of Skyler's choices and actions, mostly later in the show, but that's what makes this show so great, like Game of Thrones, these characters are not two dimensional. Throughout the series you'll see many sides to people, including Marie, even Badger and the other "walking testicles" lol. God I love this show, excited for every Tuesday, and I can't believe we all used to have to wait so long between episodes and seasons, you guys are watching two episodes a week and I still find myself getting impatient for the next one! We still have a long way to go.


LOVED the end. Because of the cat. "I want you to handle it." purrrrs


Please, everyone go read the "Be Excellent to Each Other" post again. Re: Jesse's parents: loving someone who keeps breaking your trust on the regular for years is heartbreaking. And draining. I totally get why they want to draw the line. There's only so much you can do for another person. Granted, looking at their two sons, I'd say they haven't been the best of parents,but from their perspective, they're probably trying to fix their mistakes now. Besides, raising a kid isn't as easy as making clearly defined choices with foreseeable consequences unto a piece of clay with no will of their own.


Oh man... I feel like Bubbles from the wire... itching for ep 6&7

Chase Lonnergan

As far as the Skylar hate goes... I think I have a unique perspective among those I have discussed it with... I totally hate Skylar. I also hate Walt. And Jesse. In fact, with the exception of Walter Jr., Hank, and Hank's partner... I find every character on this show utterly loathsome. For different reasons, of course. 90% of the characters in this show are absolute garbage-tier humans... But isn't that the point?

Justin Leone

I've seen this episode several times, and this is the first time I ever noticed that Jesse's response to "I want you to handle it" is to start purring loudly. A bold acting choice from Aaron Paul, but I sort of like it.


Do you hate Vince Gilligan too? Is he your dad & he made you watch the show?

Chase Lonnergan

Are you somehow under the impression that any of these characters are, in any way, good people? This is a show about shitty human beings.