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Independence Day - Patreon Version


Texas Anla'Shok

The President’s daughter, that’s Katara by the way. Yes the B-2s do look futuristic; that’s why people love them so much. And they can carry nukes. They’re possibly the only bomber left that can. I can’t remember off the top of my head if the B-52 still can or not. The B-1 used to, but they were redid for strictly conventional weapons. “Eagle” is Steve’s call sign. Captain Steven “Eagle” Hiller. You need to watch Top Gun, you’ll really get a sense of call signs there.


10 things I Hate About You is not just a teen movie, it’s a Shakespeare play. 10 Things is based on The Taming of the Shrew, it’s a great play, my second favorite behind Twelfth Night.

Raven Dark

This is a fantastic reaction. You guys brought up a lot of issues or got confused about some stuff, and I don't have time to address all of them, but I will be back in a few days after work is out of the way and try to answer them as best I can. it will be a long ass comment, so I hope it's not unwelcome. Oh, one thing I will address now, though. When I realized you guys were going to watch Speed, I meant to tell you NOT to watch Speed 2. I didn't tell you, you guys watched it, and it was a letdown for you, to the point where it could have ruined Speed for you. So, I will not make the same mistake again. DO NOT WATCH THE SEQUEL. I repeat, DO NOT, WATCH. THE SEQUEL. Good work, guys. Keep 'em coming.


Almost finished with the reaction, I had to pause it for a while. In regards to your incredulity about the “hacking” in the movie George, just blame it on that he has a Mac. The Aliens were defeated by Apple Magic!


I'm going to tie this to You've got mail and the boys....ready? Here we go, Drunky McDrunkerson as you called him is Randy Quaid, brother of Dennis Quaid who was married to Meg Ryan and their son is Jack Quaid that plays Huey in The Boys series you are currently covering. Small world eh?


You've never watched Star Trek? Everything stops. You need to start watching Star Trek immediately.


You guys need to watch Paul. Best alien 👽movie ever.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

There's not much to like about "The Mothman Prophecies", there were a few really good (creepy) moments, but this dialogue I thought was kind of intriguing and terrifying: “- John Klein: I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and tell us what's on their minds? - Alexander Leek: You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?” Also, I had to laugh as a veteran when one of the president's cabinet guys said (not verbatim, but), "Fifty percent of the military is on leave for the holiday." That would NEVER happen, the closest to half would be around the holidays but still, no way commanders are approving leave for half the unit. One more bit o' trivia, when they blow up LA, the building they first destroy is right next to the building my mom used to work in at the time this movie came out. Roland Emmerich really seems to like destroying LA in his movies lol His movies are entertaining, but you really could do a riff trax style post mortem on pretty much all of them.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Star Trek is awesome, you're missing out dude, and I have to say, Next Generation is still the best thing ever. I'm not a Trekkie, but that is a great show. Wow, the story you guys came up with before the Brent Spiner reveal is actually better than the movie!


"You dont just walk in from the street to become President", Donald Trump thinks otherwise.


Real world Area 51 is a part of the American Militaries research bases. In the 1950's and 1960's it was the center for developing stealth aircraft, as we know now from recently (as in post 1995) declassified documents. "Project Oxcart" was the code name for the project that resulted in the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird high altitude stealth aircraft. Most of the UFO reports in the 1950's and 1960's are from sightings of these stealth aircraft prototypes in Nevada. One of the earliest stories were planted by the CIA, right as one of the prototypes crashed, just in case anyone saw it. They were literally talking about an UFO sighting on the radio, before it was even possible for anyone to get there, as the military people were racing there to recover it. Today there are still 2 planes taking off in the morning hours from Las Vegas who are painted completely white with no logo's but a full red stripe on the fuselage. The unofficial name is Janet, and shortly after they takeoff they disappear from all flight tracking, and in the afternoon they suddenly appear again right before landing. There are no official information on where they are heading to, even after 11 years, but it is likely related to area 51.