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Breaking Bad: Season 4 - Episode 9 - 10 - Patreon Exclusive


Charley matthews

Can’t wait to watch later! Do they mention in the video whether they’re gonna finish it with 3 episodes next week?


Episode 11 is the best episode in television history imo.

The Maestro

you guys should watch some of the X-Men cartoons at some point


Yeah, 3 episodes next week and then the winner of the small show poll before the final season

Martin Roca

Please next week do 3 episodes to end the season, they just fit together perfectly and waiting one extra week for the ending is exhausting :P

Deadly Ramon

There's no antidote for ricin. George said anecdote.


Simone should wear the heart rate monitor for next week's episodes.


I still haven’t watched last weeks 2, so I can’t wait to watch four in a row tonight. You two are the best at what you do and you always kill it with the BB reactions, I’ll be sad when they are over lol


Glad they are doing all three, that’s perfect

Tenn Seven

The only anecdote I know for ricin is: I had a friend once who accidentally ingested some ricin; he died. EDIT: Oh yeah, and the one Walt told about the spy who was killed by a ricin pellet shot out of a modified umbrella.

Jeff I.

Just for the future, I'd suggest putting it down in the corner of her screen versus on her chest, since it can be a bit distracting closer to her face.


New to patreon, do yall just put breaking bad on your tv and then have your phone to watch their reactions? Confused on how to watch

Pam Nail

The first new car I bought was a PT Cruiser and I thought it was very cool, thank you very much -- it reminded me of a 30s gangster car.

Brad Lowry

End of Episode 10 is why you two are the BEST! George the Lawyer is all about the evidence, "But Jesse had to kill the lingering henchman to save his own life?" Simone the Dramaturge has to explain to George, "The camera shots, in the order they were shown and who they were closeup upon tell a story." My additional and obvious and true take, FWIW: $0.02, is that no matter that Jesse was saving himself, don't you think that from Gus or Mike's POV that you owe your life to Jesse?

J. Valentine

I put the youtube video on a Miniplayer mode, I play the netflix episode on full screen and put the mini player on top, and place it on a corner of the screen. It ends up looking like a normal youtube reaction video.


Same. I put the window of them reacting on fullscreen, shrink the window of the actual show to about 1/6 of the monitor size and put it over the "reaction window" on the lower-center of the screen.

Brad Lowry

One last fun nit-pick after Episode 10: Remember that Gus controlled BOTH the Poison AND the antidote, whatever they were, indeed Gus "asked" to use the bathroom and the exact perfect time...

Honey Hermsen

Jesse shooting the gun at the end is great editing. Made it look like the video game he was playing

Martin Roca

I have 2 monitors, main one is the episode, second one the reaction.


Seeing this, I want to suggest that you watch "Blow"


I put the show or the movie on my TV and then I put their reaction on my laptop. that’s how I do it.😎🤙🏻

J. Valentine

They say at the end that next week they will watch the 3 episodes together! Can't wait


I love Walt's breakdown with his son because it's the first time that Walt Jr. sees the downside to Walt's "gambling problem". A few episodes ago Skyler pointed out how according to their story Walt got to WIN at gambling, and Jr. (and Hank) were both talking about how cool it is. Whereas she had to be the "bitch mom" for not forgiving him and letting bygones be bygones. But now Jr. sees the fallout. Because even if you're winning money at "underground gambling", it's still dangerous. The odds of being robbed at a game, being assaulted due to a grudge, cheating…even if he really was gambling instead of just using that as a cover he may have wound up being beaten up (or killed) anyway. Especially at the values he claimed that he won (There's a reason real-life casinos make large payouts in check or direct bank drafts, not in suitcases full of cash). The fantasy Jr. had of Walt being a cool badass poker player gets punctured, which in turn punctures Walt's own fantasy. Walt doesn't let go of his fantasy willingly, but now there's NOBODY else hasn't seen a bit of the truth.


I was going to comment before watching asking for this so thank you for sharing. Next week is going to be amazing!


I have two monitors but I split screen one with the video and reaction, usually 2\3s-1\3s split, respectively..Then do other stuff on my other monitor..

Vwlss Nvwls

I know Jesse was scared, but I feel like he is smarter than they wrote him in the scene in Gus's house. He should of been more respectful, at least to start with.

Charlotte Drolet

I don't know why Skylar thought Ted would handle his business. He is in that situation because he doesn't make good financial decisions. And without being further educated or forced to change, of course, he would make bad financial decisions with the "inherited" money.


Yeah part of me wants them to watch the last three episodes individually, just so they know the anxiety we had waiting a week in between haha


Yeah, overcoming his fear and remorse over shooting Gale

Dan Holmes

I love that Walt is great at lying to strangers but horrible at lying to family :)


I know they're going to watch the final 3 episodes together, but I kind of wish they wouldn't. We had to wait a WHOLE WEEK between these episodes, and there's gonna be a huge temptation to skip through the post-episode discussion to squash the immense anxiety you'll feel at the end of each episode

Philipp Roensch

Episode 10 is just so good, so much happening. The Complication with Ted and how boss Skyler handles it, the mistrust of Jesse and Walt arives together with Jesse standing up for is own and of course the Big Don taketown, so tense. My favorite though is Walt and Walter Jr. talk, when they are finally real with each other and Walter talks about his father, just hits hard for me. Yes, there is a bit of self-image importance in there, but I would say this time from a place of fear, not ego.

Vwlss Nvwls

I got lucky for my first car. When I turned 16, my father gave me my stepmother's car... a 1979 Monte Carlo, and she got a new (1985) Trans Am. I loved that Monte Carlo, and I wish I still had it.


I would recommend to take a moment in between episodes next week and not jump right into the episode and let your feelings build.

Travis H

I haven’t seen most of these episodes since they aired so I forgot a lot of stuff. So when that guy is shot in episode 9 suddenly I jumped out of my skin and nearly just destroyed my laptop!

Tom M

Ep 10 is what establishes Gus as a mastermind. He killed the Cartel, with just Mike and Jesse as backup. Hector is a vegetable, Juan Bolsa was not the top rung. Dude wasted Eladio and never got a crease in his jacket or any errant barf of himself.

Matt T

There may have been a million comments like this before and I’m sorry if there was. Even though it would be a similar time investment to this show, I implore you guys to watch Better Call Saul after this. It’s not what you think it would be on the surface. It’s a very rich and complex drama that’s on breaking bad’s level in a lot of ways! I think a lot of people never gave it a chance cause they saw the goofy guy from breaking bad and thought it would be a silly show, but it’s not. It’s incredible.


After this episode referencing Ice Road Truckers, IRT titled an episode "Braking Bad". So, since IRT exists within the reality of Breaking Bad, does that mean Braking Bad exists within Breaking Bad? 🤔

Jesse Coombs

I love both series, and I think Better Call Saul is the better show. BUT, it wouldn't exist without the work that Breaking Bad did.

Jorge Lopez

As much as I look forward to these reactions, I also recommend taking a break before the season finale. These final three episodes of season 4 are just too good to watch all in one sitting. It's best to keep the same pattern while allowing the development of the story to sit for a while. It's more effective that way, but that's just my opinion and recommendation.


For short term shows to watch, I recommend - Severance - 1 season Watchmen - 1 season Sandman - 1 season Gen V - 1 season Peacemaker - 1 season All excellent shows that you will enjoy.

Brian Sittler

I guess you two hadn’t seen Rocky 3 yet. 😀


I've said this before, but I LOVE the fact that you guys are watching this show.

Josh B

It's also in conversation with BB all the time, which is part of what elevates it.


Please add Gotham to future long tv show polls it was 5 seasons and a fantastic show

Nathan Jasper

It's a humbling thing to see Mike scared and Gus walking into the line of fire like a total badass.

james repka

The poison Gus used was not ricin. Ricin generally kills slowly over several days. Gus did took an activated charcoal tab. Activated charcoal is a great molecular sponge -- internally a 100 gram tablet has a surface area equivalent to an acre that can adsorb whatever chemical will adhere to it. Ideally you ingest the charcoal as close in time to ingesting the poison. You then induce vomiting to get the charcoal and whatever is attached to it out of your system. If the pill is disbursed through your stomach and you can purge most of it back out, you can reduce the poison dose by as much as 75% (ideally). The 20% remaining is presumably what Gus is sick from at the end.

Matt Reese

https://www.facebook.com/share/r/LFdyVoFAeuqur7qE/?mibextid=oFDknk Good impersonations! 🤣


I like it when at least half of a duo truly don’t know what’s gonna happen in their reactions. Makes it fun.

Jesse Coombs

I'm assuming that you're not looking for more recommendations, but regardless, I would nominate "Twin Peaks" as your next non-light show. It's amazing and it would be so fun to dig into it's mythology with y'all.


Ice Road Truckers was shockingly god television for the time. Everyone on that show was a fucking lunatic. They have to be. They’re driving giant trucks full of supplies to super remote locations over frozen lakes in some of the worst weather imaginable. It’s dangerous. They’re crazy. It’s well edited. It lasted for 11 years for a reason.

Logan Kerlee

I never attempted to watch the show. I think once I caught my dad watching it and I sat for a minute but I couldn't get into it, not sure though. Either way, it isn't for me. :P

Angela D. Mitchell

I always want to smack Junior in that scene. I grew up poor and would have been ecstatic to get a car at 16. Much less, one that beautiful! Sheesh.