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Sorry people, I can't livestream today because we had an emergency at home U_U
The building we live in is very old and the kitchen drain is shit, it periodically clogs and this time water came back up....fucking gross!

It has happen so much in the past that someone a long time ago installed a ball tap in the drain to prevent water to come back up when the problem is happening. We've stopped the water but now we have to clean everything.
The building admins asure us that someone will take care of the problem on Monday because the are short on staff because of the lockdown.

I will most likely stream on Monday even if the problem isn't fixed 'cause even though we can't use the kitchen sink no water will come back up....

Sorry for the inconvenience and stay safe everyone!



Oh no!! Sorry you’ve gotta deal with that in a time like this -_- Take all the time you need to get stuff sorted :)