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Hey guys, little update!

I've decided for any vote request on both the fanart voting and regular voting that either doesn't get enough votes or I don't have time to draw I'm going to start sketching more. Spending 20-40 hours per fully rendered image means it's hard to get lots of content out when the focus tends to be on quality and rendering.

However... Everyone who is eligible to vote also has access to the sketch tier so I thought it'd be nice to spend more time warming up before commissions by drawing people's requests a bit more when I can. So expect more sketches of what you requested to be drawn. Will go by the same system where by if something I know I wont have time to fully render gets multiple votes or isn't super specific it has a higher chance of being drawn.

The milestone for sketch requests will remain. That is where people can straight up request their own characters be drawn. This here is me saying I'm going to try and do more sketches for you guys whilst maintaining the output of fully rendered stuff c:




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