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Just a reminder: For previous $5 Tier patrons you will need to upgrade to the $10 (Wyrmling) Tier to have access to coloured images. 

With this Tier you will also get exclusive patreon discord access!

This is the third reminder as I have a pinned post and have also DM'd everyone last month with the changes!

Find the full post with details here:


Thanks for reading and for the support <3




Patreon will refund and (re)charge at the same time if you update pledge to 10$, increasing/causing delay in payments in most situations. just a heads up for all others that see this message.


Unsure if this is the case with everyone? If this is how Patreon processes an upgrade then that's pretty poorly implemented! Although Patrons don't need to worry about this as when their payment is processed they can DM me for access if the payment wasn't processed by the 5th :)