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Good Lord what did they do. Im gone for a day and the site's UI's gone to hell, it was perfect before. Seriously, I bet theyre just moving stuff around for the sake of acting busy. ANYWAYS.

Welcome Candles and Lanterns! To Spooktober. And the lewds we have instore. I've thought long hard about what Seasonal project we'll undertake and what our schedule will look like...so here it is:

Oct 6th Character Poll @ 5 pm PST: Charlie, Marceline, Loona, Maddie, Gwen, Summer

October 13th New Character Poll: Mindy (Grim Adventures), Vanessa (Phineas and Ferb). Kylie Griffin, College Lucy Loud x Ghost, Mavis x Monster, Joan of Arc

October 21st -Halloween: Velma and Daphne short comic. Details still being hashed out.

Periodically I hope to sprinkle a few seasonal short lewds I have the blue prints for already, i can't really promise a hek page in there this time because I'd like to invest all the extra effort into the Velma/Daphne project, but who knows we'll see.

So thats our plan, cya for the new poll but hopefully I plan to drop a short spooky lewd to get you into the spirit.. eh.. warning, its not exactly shipper friendly though lol, just something that came to mind. eh.. AU's and what not. Boo.




MADDIE Danny Halloween ghost hunting


Lol i thought they fucked up the app when i got on and the system looked like this