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Some Athasian spins on classic D&D monsters star in today's episode!

Thanks to Ray Otus for our thumbnail image. The intro music is a clip from "Solve the Damn Mystery" by Jesse Spillane, used under a Creative Commons Attribution License.


Andrew M. Reichart

Thanks for the note about the origin of the term “golem” — my feeling is that it’s made its way into the culture & yeah ya kinda have to call it what it’s called in the book. (It’s not like the word is a slur & would be awful to utter, there’s just a potential appropriation concern & I think just acknowledging that does a lot.) Also I like to think the original story is getting better known (& its essential meaning: self-defense getting out of hand and turning into massacre) (an especially important message these days imho)


I think with a lot of these issues you just have to accept that there's no perfect solution that's going to please everyone and lay out your reasons for making the choice you made. As long as it's clear that you're doing that sincerely, I think most people are chill.