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Lots of you guys constantly ask me to draw some fetish stuff. I'm not really into much except for curvy bodies.
Would you like to see me try exploring new directions or you'd prefer me sticking to drawing thicc fictional girls?



I just want more sex over solo girls


I see I see. we'll make another poll on what type of art I should focus on more next. Personally prefer solo pinups, so I assumed everyone does


I really enjoyed when you would make different versions of the same drawing, example being Thicc and another being Extra Thicc with the inclusion light Cellulite. 😋


I'd like to see more Futa art but I know that isn't for everyone


How do I get access?


Three fetishes I would like to see are anal, pig costumes, and series crossovers.


My subscription is gonna run out soon and I haven’t gotten acces to anything where can I find drops


I subscribed a few days ago and I didn't get any rewards from what you promoted on twitter, the month is already ending by the way, paying dollars + my taxes are expensive