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It feels very lame to spring this on all of you so suddenly like this, but I'm going to be discontinuing the Patreon outright, as it's obvious that I can't offer the consistent schedule necessary, and I feel pretending otherwise is ultimately worse. Some weeks I feel motivated to pump out strips left and right, and some weeks, it's a miracle if I can even get out of bed, and while that balanced out to keep the schedule going fine for the site updates for a little while, it hasn't been at all sustainable for the secondary Early Access schedules, which isn't fair to you.

Additionally, my other sources of revenue have suddenly, wildly passed my expectations, to the point that monetizing shallowskin in this way is unnecessary extra stress. So, thinking back on the longterm burnout that developed from years of trying to ignore similar problems while working on Poppy, I believe it's in the best interests for both me and the comic to simply swallow my pride and cut the Patreon loose now.

To be 100% clear, shallowskin itself is not in danger. The comic itself will continue updating on the site, I'm only shelving the Patreon. From now on, it will be wholly disconnected from "my job," and will be treated as a passion project to update at whichever pace is most manageable for me. I will also not be deactivating the Patreon itself, so it can continue to function as an archive for all of the old Poppy development posts still on it, but I will be turning off monthly pledges as to prevent any future charges. (EDIT: lmao scratch that, I forgot Patreon doesn't let you do that, so I guess I'll just put up a token "tip jar" tier starting next month ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Anyone who would like a refund for this month's pledges, please shoot me a private message and I will get that sorted out for you right away. 

As always, thank you for having supported me and my work,

-I.S. Everett



Will I still be able to use it like a tip jar? Or should I just move that money to your other patreon?


I appreciate the gesture, I have a ko-fi if you would simply like to continue making donations at your leisure: https://ko-fi.com/hgmorbi


I really just want to support you, so if there's a tip jar tier, I'll keep my pledge there and continue reading Shallowskin on its website.


I'm going to pause payments for September and unpublish the current tiers as the site updates make them obsolete, and then the only tier left over after the un-pause will be a $1 "tip jar" tier.

Erin Ptah

Congratulations about the other sources of revenue picking up! And you deserve to take your health seriously, so if changing how you handle the comic is going to help with that, I'm glad you're going for it.