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So I logged in today going "oh boy, time to post Tuesday's WIPtide update" before checking my calendar and realizing that today is NOT Tuesday and that I did not post a sketch on Monday, and it got me thinking: you know what, while I've still got the benefit of being in pre-launch to work with, it might be a good idea to START with a M/W/F schedule and then work UP to full weekdays once I've got a rhythm established.

So, The Shallows tier is still starting updates on 6/7 and the public release is still 6/14, but both will be on M/W/F updates. WIPtide will also be switching to this schedule starting now, which means it's technically four extra updates ahead, so I'll just sync that up by skipping a Wednesday every couple of weeks for the next month or so, it'll be fine lmao

-I.S. Everett


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