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It's finally here, my very own Patreon.

I will still be posting all of my regular art on Instagram, but they will be uploaded here the moment they're done, rather than when the Instagram algorithm will be good to me.

The Rockat Lounge Discord server is a great place for my community to connect with me and others. To clarify, it used to be my public discord server, which became private after some drama. I hope the current price of $2 a month is extremely reasonable to most people.

For my first post, I've shared the tier icons that I made for the 5 tiers I've decided upon: Fan, Enjoyer, Supporter, Investor and Title Sponsor. The only tier that gets less content is The Fan tier, that being lack of NSFW artwork. There's definitely some bonuses if you decide on a higher tier, though.

For upcoming posts, I will alternate between my latest piece and an older piece, just to form an archive of my art. NSFW art will be prioritized since I don't post it publicly anywhere else.

Aside from NSFW art, I'm not planning on making any art exclusive to Patreon/Discord. Supporting my art financially will help me pump out more art, and eventually help me get better equipment in general.

It's my first time doing something like this, but I wanted a way for people to show their support for what I enjoy doing and make it more worthwhile. Feel free to give me feedback if you feel like something is missing from the page or should be altered.

Thanks for the support!




Epic gamer moment