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Ugh-- Seems like an awakening for the shy girl Milkcake... Better luck next time!


Im so glad me and my team could pull out this short NTR comic. Came out super nice and the girls/action are super hot!

And seriously, lewd aside, friendzone happens because you don't show yourself as an actual partner and being friendly is a comfort zone. Scenarios like this (metaphorically) happen a lot (I been in both sides). Present is today, so If you like someone don't wait till the end of time for telling her/him what you feel!

I know you didn't asked for this lil advice, but your cousin Choccy really wan't you to consider it UvU




Milkcake is the cutest from the nerd trio (Edit: I accidentally deleted your comment Staminous X_X sorry)


I love her so much!!!


Nice to see the loveable, shy nerd having some real fun~. Fantastic stuff c : .