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She's better than Lisa at many, many things!


Check out attachments for alts!

I always thought she was very adorable, so my head canon is that she grew into one of the sexiest gals of Springfield 💛



Evan Hussain

Please the simpsons stuff has been my favorite by far


Choky at it again with the Simpson pics 😤 wondering it if you’ll do some stuff inspired by “The Fear” in the future


as others have said the Simpsons content is very good. i like that your style changes a bit for Simpsons, maybe it's the yellow coloring lol


Thanks! I try to balance my style with the simpsons, I think many people enjoy that balance :)


Wow that's a name a haven't heard in a looong time XD The Fear got me a lot into the world of simpsons porn, but he also drew really messed up stuff, wich caused me to make a step aside. Maybe this is a way to continue the things I liked from his art, on my own style 🤔 Who knows


Between the Marge x Bart content and Lisa having sex with Bart’s twin, you’ve got tons of material to work with!