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Hey guys, I been currently doing some interesting progress on the merch related apartment 👀

Im not gonna get into details, but im in the point where I need you to help me know... who's your fave Tastetowner? You can only pick one for now.

Like, if you could get merch from one of these (SFW or NSFW) wich one would you pick?

This is very important, please vote!
Since producing merch is an investment, this allows me to understand wich is the best character to start with!

thank you :3



This is a tough choice but I had to go with Cream on this since she is the first OC of yours that caught my attention of your works. Glad you’re still going with the merch!


Part of me hopes that this has something to do with the sex dolls from a couple years ago, but the other part of me says it's probably not. Either way, Cream is probably your best bet, as she's kind of the "face" of your NSFW artwork


Sounds good! Personally dont worry too much and just vote from your heart. Im looking for the 3 girls (and even others) to get merch as well, but I wanna start with one, and I wanna go for the fan favourite!


Thank you! I cant assure you anything right now, but im looking forward for a variety of products in both the SFW and NSFW areas :)


Start off small! That’s how it works! And then you’ll grow! You got this, Chok! Another way to support you


Gotta go with the classic, Cream


Not much of a hard choice for me mrs. Cream has my vote


Honey, if only because I'm an absolute sucker for cute Asian girls :)


Vanilla in her robot form to star wars


Cream! is she based off of someone? just wondering cuz of the obvious Honey Tea connection


I prefer Chocolatta!


Bit late buuuuuuuuut CHOKOLATTA WITH ease!~.