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Cream: Did you saw the celebration ceremony of Argentina after it's victory over France? It's outrageous!

Honey: Oooh I did saw Curemy-san! Don't you feel It was a bit too much-u?

Choccy: Neeh-- I don' mind, Im just happeh Chile didn' made it to the World Cup, Otherwise we woul' get our asses fuck'd!


Honestly, I couldn't be less into football.

With that said, France was being pretty cocky about winning the cup... So after their victory, the argentinians set a ver peculiar celebration, alongside france women :^)




You know, im not a big fan of sports, but I could see myself watching a game like this


I still love the one in the middle! hehe


Suprime Victory para argentina

tasteofchoklit (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 19:05:02 Short hair and beret hat, she's suepr hot (and a bit stereotypical), Reason why she had ot be in the middle representing the nation >:P
2022-12-26 14:50:05 Short hair and beret hat, she's suepr hot (and a bit stereotypical), Reason why she had ot be in the middle representing the nation >:P

Short hair and beret hat, she's suepr hot (and a bit stereotypical), Reason why she had ot be in the middle representing the nation >:P


Por eso chile ni fue, se quedó con sus femboys en su tierra natal (?