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Im currently working on a picture sequence that im planning to finish next month, wich includes 3 special guests...

I need your help to decide the context/Scenario! The poll will finish next monday 17, so please vote for your 2 faves. Here's the 4 options:

= Wax Museum =

The Museum went though a huge controversy within the news, it was reported that various men of "large" sizes, misunderstood the beautiful female sculptures with an "interactive museum experience". This ended up ruining billions of dollars of invaluable art sculptures.

= Stress-Relief Bots =

To calm the levels of pent up stress within the population, as well to stop unplanned pregnancy, the government implemented an expensive program, the "Relax-Bot spots". These guarantee to drain the tension, while replicate the real deal.

= Coin Joy-Ride =

The local arcade bought 3 -state of the art- coin operated joyrides, this allow visitors to get intimate with famous replicas of celebrities for 2 minutes, in a way never seen before. There's even been steep competition over obtaining the high score! Careful, there's a long line waiting.

= Other (Comment) =

Wanna suggest your own original idea? make sure to comment it!
Keep in mind: In all the scenarios I got in mind, Im looking to include them as replicas of the real women.



All the ideas sound fun! C:


Maybe you can also include the idea you presented some time ago about the IA presenting some bullies with the chance to fuck some nice replicas of characters. Or maybe it can be done in the same way as with the robots?


its gotta be the bots for me


Maybe Cream's Clone-Lab just completed pornstar clones and we're looking at the "Freeuse Floor" where they make sure they can handle studs!


Or maybe these are some "Crash Dolls" and this is how Cream gathered her data for the clone lab in the first place.


Eyy that's a really fun idea. Got any other details? that could help me to picture it. I imagine it to be happeningin a white test floor, the men are just voluteers with big cocks that were told to test some "medic/pharmacy" stuff, not expecting to fuck actual clones that day haha

Andres Rojas

No lie the idea of fuckable wax statues sounds really funny


Glad you like it! Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe have a holographic board among the background that's tracks how many loads they have received and where. OR Shape the background to have those elevated surgery observation rooms for scientists to observe and wimps to watch.


Really? I think its very kinky, like... these brutes, ruining invaluable art scultures with their cocks, very hot lol

Andres Rojas

OH I agree it's super hot but also funny which makes it even more kinky to me