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 I'll be very tired after working on the April Fools animation, but im willing to take paid artworks next month!

Now, If I take commissions, I'll probably take just 5 slots.

If I open YCH, I'll take 10-15 slots, since these are more easy for me to do.

What would you preffer? Please feel free to explain why on the comments :D



I think 5 comms would be good, you could limit it to flats to save time as well


You'd have to set a minimum price on the commissions if you want to meet a certain amount of money


I voted commissions but I'm fine with either, I'd just like either chance to get more art from you


Like I want either, there are pieces for YCH i've wanna get with toons but also ideas I wanna comm you c:

Wantinglake577(Lake Kanaye)

I'm fine with either one. But, is there gonna be a Character limit, if we vote for Commissions on April? If there is, then what would be the number limit for them since there's only going to be 5 slots?


Either is fine! I’m looking forward to birthday month and whatever happens, happens! ❤️


I know I may miss my chance but even with 1%, I’d still take it to get a commission slot 😆


Oh, and my reason is I’d love to get a piece from you either way, but with commissions, I have more freedom to choose my ideas rather have “tunnel vision” and choose only characters instead


I went with comms, but I'm personally okay with whatever you decide to go with


Choice is yours ultimately, try not to burn yourself out opening commissions though ^^;. Could even limit it to certain stuff? (like no animations or flat/ink/sketch only?)


Thanks for voting and commenting, guys :) I think i'll open a few slots on april and maybe a lil bit of YCHs, for peeps who may have problem paying the big price.