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Fva traveled to Japan and meet, by accident, a group of sketchy, dangerous girls... but seems like no matter how scarry and powerful Monika could be, they had to surrender to his strong muscles and massive minotaur breeding-rod!

Huh, talk about best ending... sorry for all DDLC fans who got cucked by this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Commission for Fva... I really enjoyed this one too, the pose and characters are sexy, but seing these 3 scarry girls totally broken in horniness is a treat to me!

Happy Halloween!




I haven’t been cucked for once, Yay!!! Natsuki will be mine!!! Heheh but yea, love the Pic Chok, was most excited about this one!


👀 dang I'm jealous, I wouldn't mind hanging with them. I like to live dangerously


wow this pic if it exceeded my expectations very good job chok I hope I can see more of the doki doki girls my favorite is Yuri 🤤


Gotta love that minotaur cock!


Seems one girl is missing


Poor fans, but at least they get a nice front row view of best mino breaking in their favorite girl over and over and over again ;P!~.