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This won't be on Nebula until Friday, so don't tell anyone.


John and Yoko | Patreon

The breakup of the Beatles and other things Yoko Ono was not responsible for (and also some things that she was.)


Vladimir Barash

Yes! I absolutely love this. I love that you started with Yoko and John and moved to a broader discussion of fame, sexism, and narratives in a particular large and loud chunk of society.


Quoting Michael Hobbes and re-evaluating women maligned by the pop culture game machine? Lindsay in her You're Wrong About era


Lindsay, I thoroughly enjoyed this! Thank you :) also, I thought of you today. I’m currently reading Naomi Klein’s “Doppelgänger” and recommend it— especially the section that addresses the tension of identity and personal branding online.


Hi, Lindsay. On the offchance you ever see this, I wanted to belatedly thank you deeply for your return to making your excellent content. You didn't owe us anything, and I wouldn't have blamed you if you walked away permanently, but here I am enjoying more of the kind of stories that brought me to your channel in the first place. I appreciate it.


Great video! Already rewatched and still thinking about it these past few weeks. The point on infantilization of men by their fans was really interesting, and I had a thought on why people might be so keen to do so, especially for those who are abusive or have very public failings. I think people will often infantilize the perpetrator in order to excuse behavior they would find abhorrent in anyone else, wielding it like a shield to defend them from criticism. I think of how right-wing media will condemn the heinous acts of young (white) mass shooters, or racist chants by frat boys, but defend the men themselves, calling them "young" and "impressionable." Such public figures may be absolved of responsibility by removing agency in this way, but their actions remain and must be blamed on someone, whether that ends up being society at large, untreated mental illnesses, their spouses, or even their victims.

Ellie G.

I just finished my third rewatch. Absolutely marvelous work. Thank you for making this!


I deliberately did not follow the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard stuff. Can someone give me a primer?


The best minimal explanation to avoid undoing the good you've done by deliberately not following it is likely just taking what context you can from this John and Yoko vid. Secondary: She brought charges against him for repeated physical abuse. He publicly sued her claiming false accusations/defamation and in an attempt to shape discourse. His attempt got more traction than it should have. There's a Wikipedia entry under Depp_v._Heard that I'm not reading because (disclaimer) I'm also deliberately minimizing my intake of things like this.)

Viera Galikova

hi Lindsay, random-ish request ... why is it that fans of the Starship Troopers movie praise the stalker and hate Denise Richards' character who didn't really do anything wrong?