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So y'all wanted more film studies-type videos? Here ya go!


Planting & Payoff - Featuring Mad Max: Fury Road

Sometimes in order to understand narrative, you need to state the obvious.





Excellent work as usual!


squee <3


1:25-1:30 the titles are messed up.


honestly I'd love a more in-depth mad max review in the future

Christopher Patten

This was awesome, I especially appreciated the stuff about Deus Ex Machina as I run into the term being used questionably a lot.


I'd love to see you do a video talking about the sound design in more detail.


I like Loose Canon but these, these I love.

Rhiannon M

MM:FR is a movie that I love more and more every time I see it. Thank you for helping to explain why that is. <3

David Majors

These videos aren't just informative and insightful, but very inspiring. Thank you, Lindsay.


Loved this. And it comes just a few weeks after that horrible 4x03 Sherlock episode. It comes exactly at the right time... for me at least.


MOS works for me because it focuses on exactly the moments in Superman or even hero mythology that I care about while avoiding the bits that I would fast forward through on the disc. The non-linear editing style gives the film so many gifts that I'm willing to tolerate some reverse order in planting\payoff. I find this especially forgivable since these are rather obvious Joseph Campbell chains that we're talking about. Snyder could have used a more linear editing style, which would have clarified plant\payoff. But he then has to add 15-20 minutes of rather boring connective tissue to a 2.5 hour film. The only other options are to shorten action scenes or dial back on showing in such detail how Clark feels about the Campbell chain that is so tightly wrapped around him. Given the possibilities, I like the path he chose. It frames the entire movie through the alien god's eyes, and thus his feelings. Emotional impact triggers memory, unfolding a scene. Its the kind of decision you make in a very post-Campbell cinematic landscape, but I feel its a valid one.


Mad Max is such a silly franchise, but this film was incredibly well done. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on a few aspects of it :) Would love to hear you talk about a film you really enjoy and taking it apart like this.


Thank you for your wonderful explanations and examples! :)


Tiny editing error at 1:26—the caption doesn't match the movies being shown


I've been trying to fix it since lasts night but Patreon isn't letting me access the edit page. It's really infuriating.


It might be a broader issue - I can't get your creator page to load, and it's only yours that is doing that. (Brilliant video by the way - Every Frame a Painting best watch out :) )


I loved Fury Road, and I didn't even notice most of these elements. Your videos always remind me just how functionally illiterate I am with cinema (I am one of those people who only go to the movies 5 times a year at best).


Great stuff. I too would love additional sound design analysis of Fury Road.


I'd pledge to a patron that was nothing but you releasing monthly videos on all things Mad Max Fury Road


Great video! I could listen to you talk about the technical aspects of film making for days. I legit never noticed the air bubble thing until now and it makes perfect sense and ahhh I really hope Miller has a couple more movies in him.