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Lindsay's back with a new Nebula-exclusive video! If you are pledged to the #effort tier, use this link to watch the video without having to subscribe to Nebula.


Nebula - Here's a video

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The video seems to have some editing errors here and there? Like at 12:24 "just like John Lennon s- it's a highly sentimental and borderline luddite theme..." is that intentional?

Jan S.

Ok, first of all, I already feel that me becoming a patreon was a good decision. Secondly I really liked this video and its subject matter. The concept of emotional honesty has been near and dear to me ever since i reemerged from the human mental hell that is known as puperty. Its easy to wave away an intensely emotional moment with a cheeky wink to the camera, but it is hard as diamonds to truly commit to a moment, especially if the story one is trying to tell is supposed to be family friendly or at least a story that is not above a PG13 rating. I think "Arrival " might be a similar experience to ET in its Emotional Landscape.


Yes it's intentional, the abrupt cuts are meant to be funny; they're jokes. It's a common thing Youtubers do, like they cut right as they're about to say something stupid/trite/controversial/etc.


Thanks so much for making this video, Lindsay. You're right, there's nothing wrong with being emotional and sincere, and that's one of ET's strengths. Learning about ET's history through your video was really fascinating and eye opening, and I'm glad it influenced your books. I remember watching bits and pieces of it as a kid, and I plan to rewatch it.

Onyeka A.

My town played this at the park one summer, it was nice to get together with everyone and experience this movie again


Speaking of emotional earnesty. I just watched Gullermo Del Torro's Pinocchio and I am still a bit blown away by the sheer emotional turmoil that movie caused me. There are rough scenes in this and the ending is both hopeful but also kind of bittersweet depressing.