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After doing a really specific one (X-mens), I'm feeling broad again. Here are some to choose from:

Biblical/mythological: (Moses, Hercules, Loki, Cupid, Noah)

I have to fucking watch Once Upon a Time Again: (Cinderella, Snow White, The Beast, Evil Queen)

Trash hurricanes that need therapy: (Catwoman, Gollum, Heathcliff, The Phantom of the Opera, Hannibal Lecter)

Concepts: (The First Female President, Robot Who Wants to be Human, Mother Goddess, Monkey Sidekick to Lonely Child)

People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized: (George Washington, Julius Caesar, Elvis, Hitler, Queen Elizabeth, Richard Nixon)

Or... other? 

Just promise not to do the "but you forgot version...!" thing like you did with Death. I didn't forget. I made selections, because this show is not a comprehensive list of all versions ever or it would be hours long. Kay? Kay.



Trash hurricanes!


Gonna go with Concepts. "Robot Who Wants to be Human" sounds promising.


I have a huge bias for Once Upon A Time, so I'll vote for that :D


Trash Hurricanes. It's different from the norm from most pop culture commentary.


Ok, everything sounds good but it just has to be: Trash hurricanes.


OOOh fictionalized real people!!! YES


Trash Hurricanes, definitely.


Trash hurricanes definitely


Trash Hurricanes sounds really fun! That would definitely be a good idea and I'm looking forward to it!


I'm specifically for the "Robot Who Wants to be Human", but fictionalized personae is also appealing.


Sorry, I had to replace Harley with Catwoman (she still qualifies as trash hurricane) because I'm not going to do Harley before Suicide Squad comes out. NEXT YEAR!!


Trash hurricane would be awesome


Either trash hurricanes or concepts. Leaning towards concepts, but you have some really cool examples for both.


Since Harley has been taken off the menu, my vote is now for real people turned fiction. Specifically Hitler.


Trash Hurricanes. Oh please god do the Trash Hurricanes.


Having to watch Once Upon A Time again is tempting, but I'll go with Trash Hurricanes like everyone else.


Concepts por favor!






Trash hurricanes.


Trash Hurricanes


Trash Hurricanes, but I'd be really interested in a Hitler one as well. Maybe next time.


I love the idea of seeing one on People Who Actually Existed (That Got Fictionalized), it's a really neat phenomenon that totally happens, and I think you could probably do a whole series just based on that concept (in theory, not actually expecting that).


I think an interesting idea under the concepts category would be studying the evolution of the "sassy gay friend" throughout film history (namely of rom-coms). It could examine how a stereotype evolves through time. Also maybe Rantasmo could stop by 😊.


Tough one, but I think I'm going to go for Concepts this time around!


Hrm... trash hurricanes because I'd love to see Harley Quinn (but maybe that should wait until Suicide Squad comes out...), but all the other choices are so great, especially Phantom or Hannibal. PLEASE trash hurricanes, a.k.a. the opposite of Tom Hardy.


Trash all day everyday.


Trash Hurricanes


People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized sounds like an interesting topic


Trash Hurricanes or Once Upon a Time!


I kinda want to see Phantom taken on so Trash Hurricane


Tie between Noah/Moses-- just so I could see you take on the modern Superbook version. :P


It's got to be either the concepts or real people (I want that female president...)


I'm sorry but my vote is "I have to fucking watch OUAT again." I loved the Witch of the West episode and wouldn't mind seeing another fairy-tale-ish-character being explored in the media. Though that would mean sitting through umpteen billion versions of Snow White, Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast... If you need help writing, I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE.


I'd say either Trash Hurricanes or the concepts one, mostly for that idea somebody already proposed of the gay friend archetype. That one sounds like a really good topic!


Trash Hurricanes! (I'm both Harley Quinn and Phantom trash...)


I'm currently reading the Temeraire books by Naomi Novik so the real people who then got fictionalized strikes my fancy. But I don't see how I can do anything but vote for Gollum... what a dilemma.


I would love to see you do an analysis of Evil Queens. I find them so fascinating and there's a lot to cover on how often they seem to embody a real fear of super powerful, in control (or magic wielding) women and how often they're simultaneously used to warn away from perceived womanly 'vices', like jealousy, vanity, obsession with youth and beauty, or overt sexuality. And then there's the couple of more recent subversive attempts, which are interesting in a lot of ways too. And yeah, I think there's enough characters to cover without having to re-watch Once Upon a Time! (I'm hoping I got this right and we're not just voting for the whole massive categories instead of an option within them. Because if it's the whole category, I'll go with Trash Hurricanes! :D )


My email notification says "Trash hurricanes that need therapy: (Harley Quinn, etc" and here I see "Catwoman"... Suspicious)))) Anyhow, personal vote: Harley/Catwoman (cause Harley fan) or Beast (cause really liked him in OuaT). Or Evil Queen (now, Evil Queen topic is just goluptious). ps the amount of Cinderella stuff is able to kill a person up to this point. spare yourself. ps thank you for existing. you're just forbidable *^^*


Trash hurricanes that need therapy!




"I have to fucking watch once upon a time again", and I'm oh so sorry


I would LOVE to see a fictionalized Nixon one, as fictionalized Nixon is one of my favourite fictional characters.


I would LOVE to see a fictionalized Nixon one, as fictionalized Nixon is one of my favourite fictional characters.


concepts - I want to see the robots who want to be human


I'd vote for "I have to fucking watch Once Upon a Time Again", but that's just me.

Joe G

Damn, they're all such good ideas! Please tell me the ones that don't make the cut this time are a possibility for the future. That said, Real People Who Got Fictionalized appeals to me at the moment.


Hannibal's fresh on my mind right now. Let's go with Trash Hurricanes.


Trash huricanes because I love harley, catwoman, and Phantom


I vote for People Who Actually Existed That Got Fictionalized.


ugh, so tough, but I think I might go with Real People Who Got Fictionalized


I'm going with Real People Who Got The Fictional Treatment and it's not just because I once was a history major....


Characters with disabilities?


Concepts or People who actually exist.


Real people that got fictionalized


Concepts. I've always loved the idea of "non-living" objects that want to know what it means to be human or alive (Pinocchio, Short Circuit, Android Kikaider).


I think concepts always make for cool episodes


I am torn between Trash Hurricanes, because I love those characters so much, and Real People who got Fictionalized, because it's an awesome concept to look at. So probably the latter.


Trash Hurricanes, please! That said if Concepts doesn't come up again I will be extremely sad.


suprsingly im not going with "Concepts" but "I have to fucking watch Once Upon a Time Again" beacause of the slew of remakes of thoes stories that are so annoying/boring at best and im really intrested in why you think all of them are SO bad!!!! p.s. is there a difference between Snow White and The evil Queen? arent they link narratively and there for a reflection of one another? heck now that i think about it isn't it part of the point? p.p.s. if People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized wins i'm voting Elvis because i can't stop thinking about you in Elvis getup XD


I'm gonna go with "Trash Hurricanes who Need Therapy" - my sister being a classic literature nerd, I've ended up being subjected to more versions of Wuthering bloody Heights than I could care to count. I also recall there being a certain Mr Hardy in the 2009 TV miniseries version, so that miiiiiiight have skewed my decision just a little bit. Seriously, watching you gush over the man brings me inexplicable joy. .....I'm really hoping that last sentence doesn't sound extremely weird.






Concepts! Now I wonder if there is any evidence that Laura Roslyn counts as 1st female president? She’s clearly portrayed as a ‘soft’ politician but I have to rewatch to check if there are any hints for ‘female’ as a ‘handicap’. [Not my opinion at all, just in-series]


Trash hurricanes seems like an obvious winner but I feel like you could explore something new with concepts. (I really want to know what Monkey Sidekicks say about us as a society!)


People who actually existed that got fictionalized! :)


I'm going to go with Concepts for this one. That has the potential to be really interesting. Also, now that Blip is gone... what's going to happen with all of your old videos? I see that the King Kong video transitioned over to Vimeo. Should we expect your past library to end up on that Vimeo channel as well?


Concept! I love robot stories, so potentially listening to you discuss that could be cool.


Fictionalized historical figures, please!


I think I'll go with Concepts for this one. Some good choices all around!


Once upon a time lol


Concepts! Only because I want to see you cover Bicentennial Man :P


Real people in fiction,


Concepts because I'm all about Robots Who Want to be Human and First Female President would be fairly topical.


Fairy Tale, specifically Cinderella because I feel as if she has had the most pop culture iterations between the cinderella movies, the cinderella musical, into the woods, the general cinderella story, etc. I'd save harley quinn for after suicide squad comes out


Oh man these are all so good... I thiiiink I'll go with Concepts (though Trash Hurricanes are very tempting)


I'm torn between concepts and people that got fictionalized...

Jared Walske

Oh, fictionalized versions of actual people sounds fun. I vote for that!

Nicole Barovic

Count me among those curious about the "Real people who got fictionalized" thing.


I mean, if you go with trash hurricanes, and people vote Phantom of the Opera, maybe we can get Elisa as a guest star :D (But I really like "concepts" as well.)


Real people sounds awesome. You're great at explaining things, and I could use a history lesson.


I'm sooooo tempted to vote for the "I have to fucking watch Once Upon a TIme again" Catagory.... just because XD


Trash Hurricanes all the way!


Real people who get fictionalized is the most interesting category for me right now. Nixon in fiction is really interesting.

Don Bright

wait... does she mean Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights or Heathcliff the cat who steals fish and lives in a trash dump?


I would like to see Trash Hurricanes. :)


I vote for Concepts.


Oh my god the concepts idea is brilliant. It sounds fun to research and even more fun to watch.


"The First Female President" sounds like a cool one. All the concepts sound cool, actually. Good to know you'll have a lot of subjects to cover in the future.

Liz Mallia

Ooh, this is a hard choice. I have to go with Monkey Sidekick or Queen Elizabeth.


I like both the ideas of fictionalized figures and the concepts one, but the latter intrigues me more, so my vote is for concepts. Another idea I would like to see explored is a character that is canonically very minor or outright irrelevant but gets heavily "fanoned" in subsequent adaptations (you know, like Irene Adler and Moriarty).


I vote for fictionalized people.


Historical figures!




People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized gets my vote


People who got fictionalized sounds pretty cool, I feel like I'll learn a lot.


As much as I like the Concepts topic, I've thought that Historical Figures was an interesting idea for a while. I'll go with that.


I'd say Loki!


Don't worry, won't make you watch Once Upon A Time, lol. My vote would be for real people who have been fictionalized. It seems to be a category that has tons of juicy material for you.


I vote for Biblical/Mythological. Mostly because your episodes on Death and Hades were jam packed full of awesome information, i would love to learn more on those topics from you. And it seems like there is plenty of information since they have been around for so long.

Rebecca Richards

Ooo, people who actually existed that got fictionalized sounds fun.


Concepts and People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized sounds great


and if you are going to do mythological then please look up the danish comic Vallhal I would gladly translate it for you if it would be necessary (just saying it now so I don't forget it later


I think just about any & all of the "Trash hurricanes that need therapy" selections sound Fantastic, so that's my vote! xD


I gotta say, the THTNT sounds particularly intriguing


Real people that got fictionalized! My primary exposure to the events of the Nixon presidency was through Futurama. All the choices sound great, though.


in the theme of fictionalised (I'm british this spelling is fine) people, I think richard III would be a really interesting one too. man did his story get tangled up thanks to shakes


also tbh I'm always down for loki. I love loki. loki trash, I am


Congrats on breaking $2,000 per video. You deserve it.


Trash Hurricanes or Concepts. I love love love the "robot wants to be human" story.


Robot wants to be human would be really good. I think you could really stretch it all the way back to Pygmallion and Pinocchio rather then keep it to just straight sci-fi robots.


I think the Robots Who Want to Be Human would be very interesting. There's a lot of examples, though.


For biblical mythology angels are cool (Constantine, Dogma, The Prophecy, It's a Wonderful Life...)


People who actually existed!


Loki would be interesting and I simply love Catwoman, so I would vote for those two ;-)


Biblical/Mythology is an interest of mine. Loki is probably a shoe-in given the popularity of Loki among fans of Norse Myth... and of course fans of Mr. Hiddleston's portrayal in the MCU. "People Who actually Existed that got Fictionalized" also sounds cool. I'd suggest Macbeth for that one, as he existed and was not only immortalized by Shakespeare's play and all the adaptations of it, not to mention Disney's Gargoyles which was a more historically accurate adaptation than ol' Will's.