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Each toe slurp.




She‘s starting to looose it


Finally she's starting to crack. 🍿


I had to go back and review all these to compare her facial expressions for each one. So we went from expressionless in part 1, to almost curiosity in part 2. Surprise in part 3. What looks like extreme annoyance in part 4, and now almost like a defeated kind of look, or like she is focusing really intently. You honestly can't really tell otherwise that it's getting to her if you didn't include the tears starting to shoot out of the corners of her eyes and the blush. I am getting like this tingly heart in my throat feeling every time I wlsee one of these. I want to see her lose it soooo bad, but at the same time, I want to see her resist just a little bit longer. I def. think you need to do more strong, stubborn women in situations like this. Words cannot describe how thrilling it is. I eagerly await every post, checking Patreon multiple times a day. You're amazing!


Not to spam and post again, but I just noticed something else. The tickling method. The first part involved licking up and down the arches, the second involved sucking on all the toes at the same time, and the third (now) involves sucking on each toe individually which is apparently overwhelming her. I assume in the next part you're going to also add in licking the arches, which will really push her to the edge. Idk if you have it mapped out, but I am going to bet we see her break by part 7. 6 will be the final straw.


Her stoic resolve is cracking >:)