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Some idiot in security tripped one of the defense mechanisms during a test. Damn it this is the third incident in a month! At least this one didn't end with the walls painted red ...not that I'm all that happy about cleaning up this mess either.

The animation is here! and the DL link is below:

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yl95kmljawhdf722epg7r/Dangpa_SongThatMakesTigersGayNOSFXs.mp4?rlkey=mhsro50hdw80lm88qn1c07bpw&dl=0

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/IiklxZIS#bsMdKXiV17EhQAyVFmPRdSrmth-YdhsUVQpwvAQntNQ

Unfortunately, despite getting VA and sfx, I wasn't able to mix it in time so expect that next week. This was a pretty interesting experiment, but next animation I'm not going this ham on, wew.

Also please tell me what you think of this one, comments definitely appreciated~ Animating in general has been a learning process lol.



No Name

Wow the animation was super smooth, I like the softer look it has. It's really great, would love to see more.
