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On their travels, Heimer and Kled found themselves crossing paths with a god. They had anticipated a fierce battle, but their run-ins with him on the rift never could have prepared them for the immensity of the thunder's roar. He swiftly defeated them, and, considering their very presence an affront to his divinity, he decided to unleash the full might of the storm upon them.

As the storm grew more and more, the duo found themselves subjected to more and more strenuous use. Fortunately, Yordle's are nothing if not resilient, but will the storm come to pass before they face utter defeat?

Only time can tell.

[Idk lol. I had no creative juices for the title]
I really just was doodling kled and it turned into this... ENJOY!




Omg it looks so good!!!! I love them, i love ur sketches dangpa.


#include "sex.h"


Apparently can't do system libraries as Patreon doesn't allow angle brackets haha