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This hardworking adventurer found himself a well-paying gig in order to make the money he needed. Unfortunately for him, when working hard for demons one must strike a balance between pleasing your employers and keeping your head. If you're too good at your job you may not find yourself clocking out anytime soon, not that you would want to.

Some Tavern of Spear sketches I did on my phone I turned into a bit cleaner small image set on my computer. There's the full thing in the attachments as well.
I did these while taking a little break from the monthly comic, Also, oh yeah comic tomorrow...



Barrus Burr

You started these sketches on your phone?! You are truly amazing Dangpa.


Haha! With the ability to use actual wacom styluses, and all sorts of drawing programs on them now, it's a bit less impressive, but it's certainly more tedious than at an actual tablet :B.


Have you played Grove yet? That game is riddled with hot bad ends that would make for some amazing art :3


Ye, I've checked it out before! Maybe sometime I'll do some art of it.