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New comic Axis! It takes place in the fantasy realm of Ofanhel, home to gods and magic! It follows Corwin, the sheltered novice adventurer, as he stumbles across the lands alongside his shapeshifting dragon companion, Aurum. This one is more of an expanded world than the previous things I've made, so expect it to involve more than just the main characters as the story unfolds.

Corwin, the librarian turned adventurer, found himself with an opportunity to escape his snowbound village and explore the world he's only ever read of in books as he aids his new glorious golden companion Aurum in a treasure hunt for time-lost relics.

Their first quest finds them in the dreary province of Cotfold. A once thriving kingdom now reduced to a miserable country full of cutthroats and misers. The object they seek lies somewhere in these unwelcoming lands. However, fortune and clever plans inch them closer to their prize, bringing them to the town of Quam, where they find themselves with two new travel companions. Now they spend the night in a dilapidated inn as they wait for one last solid lead.



Sherrie Mora

Ooh i luv a bookworm turn adventure plot!! u got me very interested so excited to see more :)


The Griffin is so hot 😍


Damn my English isn’t good enough to follow what is happening 😂😂😂


Sorry! It's a cover page so it's not that necessary a read, but it's a story that starts in the midst of things! Long story short, he came back to his village with a dragon, then headed off on a quest with the dragon to help the dragon find an artifact! (The shape-shifting dragon is Aurum, Corwin is the goatman)


Thank you ❤️! I've definitely grown to like his design more~


Thanks! He make not seem too bookish, but books are his life!