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I'm working on assets for the game - first for the Drow doc branch. Unfortunately, a lot of them are work in progress right now, so I don't have a lot to show you right now, sorry.

I've also noticed that a lot of you are following me through android devices primarily. I'll try to make the game playable on android, but I have no idea if that'll work, or how to deliver it to you. I doubt it the google play would take it, or any other platform.



Ricky Brinson

Can you tell me more about where to get the game and what it is playable on and if it is currently playable etc?


On Android devices would be -amazing-! But — I understand the difficulties that implies. It's already amazing that you're making these games for us!


Parts of it are playable. I'll post the newest version by the end of the month - I want to include as much of the finished assets as I can.


We'll see if it works. If it does, it would be great! I had no idea so many people used their mobile phones as primary internet devices, the concept is so alien to me.