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For some reason I've been having a really hard time deciding on a look for our main heroine. The husband (the elf on the right), I feel, is pretty close to what I want him to be. I'm not happy with her look at all.

Starting point for her design was Sailor Jupiter, with maybe the hairstyle mora similar to fire-nation version Katara. I want to add some nineties tsundere aestetic as well. She's meant to be strong and capable. She has a good reason to dislike her husband (arranged marriage). She's supposed to ne the one leading the duo.

However, all this fetishy stuff is new to her. She has a newly discovered liking for feet and tickling (I'll explain that later, it's a bit complicated), so she has her husband (who's much more knowledgable) advise her.

With this character I want to explore these weird kinks we have, with her exploring and asking the questions, and her husband providing some knowledge.

He's supposed to be really submissive giving her the room to lead because she's the one (and really the player) who is on a journey of discovery. And, you know, saving the kingdom.

I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time pining down how she's supposed to look. As I've said - I have a few rough ideas, with the beforementioned characters, and I'm fairly certain I want her to be associated with the royal purple.

I still have some ways to go with her, but I hope you got a glimpse into the dynamic of the tow main characters of the game. I'm fairly certain I'll implement some sort of romance mechanic specifically between them - if you make certain actions, they'll grow fonder of one another. Stuff like that.



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