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since most materials are already in my storage. everything went fast and easy. however. foam clay for the spikes is takin forever to dry. i have to cut them with blades but since the insides are not dry yet. when i cut the spikes they look wonky. plus the clay shrinks. however wel make it work. even the skull was wonky lol. its not a hard build at all i can finish this in like what. 2 days. im losing interest on finishing my kda akali since a lot are doing her already. but whatevs lol. have a good day/night guys. ill work on the hardware for this costume.




Don't forget to have a break and sleep 😣. I love you my beloved Nami ❤💓💕💞😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘