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helllooo my lovely supporters of all sizes genders and ethnicities!

im now checking all the print orders and expect them to be in ur places next week :) ofcourse depends on ur location

as i stated i will be in vacation so i cant make as much cosplay related content and probably will focus on genuine BOUDOIR pics and vids... boudoir means classy lingerie, pinup. something not that cosplay related but sexy. will be focusing on digital rewards but very flexible as i cant stress myself too much. those who will lower theyre pledge and unpledge next month will be free to do so. i will still put on contents however. so those who stays. can still see things ( remember im working to earn for katsucon on feb ) so i cant just shut patreon down.

i also took commision just incase i wont be able to reach my goal so im handful AGAIN with work and im not complaining...

expect some upcoming pics to post here upcoming days :) .

those who are affected by hurricane feel free to unpledge as i know u need the money more than me :)

thanks for helping me make more stuff again :) ill be chatting with u on my inbox shortly!

stay awesome!


(No title)



Who is this character and from what fan servicing anime?


As i far as i know, the "percentage of your current goal" are based on the number of patrons with their pledge amount.. and it WONT counted twice (same patron) after next month.. so basically you should achieve a 100% by the end of this month if patreon based it on the amount of $ went through (same patrons pledges 50+% x2 months).. sorry for a long explanation lol.. i just Dont want u to get discouraged that the goal percentage is not going up😅