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i hope everybodys doing well...

i havent been in touch with a lot of you for a while. all the rewards for last month excepr for one ( an aussie patron ) has been given and its a great feeling of relief :)

i have been great. ups and downs but more ups :) everything has been busy as after seeing amazing costumes in ax i have enslaved myself on crafting and bettering myself on this game. im not seeing a career on this. im happy with what i have and what i have been receiving. however the hunger and the drive to outdo myself is so intense that im obsessively making cosplays and shopping for more materials and its all by choice

i hope u understand me :) im doing this because this has been a therapy for me. i do this for myself when i started. now when i met in person people who said they look up to me that even if im not asking for it i feel like i have to do it for them as well.  this has been a great year for me and last year as well was amazing. the reception i get in the cosplay community has been so overwhelming. knowing that i use to just craft to cure my depression as for my age i have so much responsibility and pressure  :)

sorry for the long rant but i do want to connect. i try my hardest to meet ur demands. again u are all aware that i do my own shoots, costumes light settings printing cosplay making reward sending and travelling to cons. im not complaining. it actually makes me feel proud when rewards are sent as it makes me feel like ( yup i did that alone ).

thank you for supporting my work. and even those who pledge out u have been a great part of it too :) it doesnt matter if its a dollar or a hundred ( diff reward opportunities yes ) but ur support for me is equal,

i will do more sexy if i can just to cater for the fanservice, but then again i have to finish cosplays before october :)

anyway how are you guys :) i hope u all have been doing amazing! :) 

and to some of u..please dont look up to me so much :) i have so much flaws and be your own superhero :) ..

thank you...feel free to message me guys :) OLRYT?!

im planning tochange my instagram name as well...i feel like i need something more sexy and badass....open for suggestion!!!

love lots

Nami Sensei


(No title)



You're the best!


All good and glad you are doing well. I am doing fantastic, doctors visit showing progress and soon enough I will be looking like Luke Cage lol. Some people see flaws and others see beauty. I tend to always tell people to try to look towards more of those that appreciate you, vs the others. Be well and looking forward to your new work.