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Hey there, guys. Just a quick update one how things are going! :)

Cavitees and I are on the last leg of the game. Cavi has been debugging and I've been finishing up the assets and getting the music together for it. It's been a lot of work, but we're really pleased with the output.

I wanted to message about the lack of content this month. I've been putting so much time into the game assets that I've not been able to do as many suggestions as I wanted to. So while I'm at Sizecon this weekend, I'll be sketching those out and I'll post them when I return.
The good news is I've been using that time to add frames to Eli and Gin's decision trees  for the game. So you're not missing out on content, just how it's coming to you. Haha. Sorry for the hold up, but I think the work will be solid. :)

Y'all take care!



We know you be putting in work and you are still humble about it and apologizing when you don't have to. Sign of a top tier creator ⭐


Yo holy shit you're PUMPIN this out ❤️


Congrats that progress is going well! And have fun at the con! ^^


I usually manage to do a lot more requests, so I didn't want people to think they'd slipped through the cracks. :)


I'm sure the game will be absolutely fantastic, I can't wait to play it, and I hope you'll consider making more games in the future


Where can we post suggestions?


Definitely excited, a dating game with Eli sounds fun!


No worries mate quality over quantity any day!


Wait a game? (news to me icl)


But when does the Game comes out? and where? :o