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FYI, my computer has VGA broken but can be repaired and get back on Monday. So I can continue working on current projects.

Pumpkin man project may be later than Halloween because of that but I will do what I can for  this Halloween.

 The failure of my computer may not all the bad things because thanks to couple days a way from SFM program and my projects, I have time to try other programs and found out a really awesome program to design your own character: DAZ 3D

DAZ 3D is familiar with XNA lara, as powerful free tool for posting and render. But it also supports morphing. Therefore, you can load a free basic male body or basic male designed by other artists (I bought this one for 40$) and then use slider to morph character as you like. Just like "create the sims".

You can make your character old, young, edit jaw, mouth, eyes, muscle ... as you see fit and then import to Blender for more advance modification.

He can not be used in sfm yet (really high poly and details texture) but promising in future.

I called him Jayce. What do you think his dong should be?


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