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Hi all, biiit of a long story:

Initially one of my editors would upload the Patreon live performance videos they edit to their google drive accounts then link it here. Eventually they started to run out of space, so they transferred all the videos they edited to my college's email drive account because I had unlimited space at that time. That transfer changed the links to all the videos, so suddenly a lot of videos became no longer accessible here. Since then I have been updating the links whenever notified someone is unable to access it. THEN my college notified me that they are no longer providing unlimited storage to their student google drive accounts, and basically then I had to transfer everything to another account... Which I believe may have screwed up even more links. 

So if you're having trouble accessing a Kingdom, Queendom 2, Road to Kingdom, live stage or Japanese reactions (accessible by your tier level) that we posted here, let me know and i'll do my best to try and re-link/update links. So sorry about that.


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