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Hi guys, the 250k subscriber mark is approaching and I am beginning to plan the games for our thank you video!

Sadly I can't predict the exact date that I'd be able to post the video yet, (it may have to end up being delayed till 300k..hopefully not)(it's so hard to find an hour that ALL reactors are free holy hell)(...I got lucky last year).

But I want to know...

Did you enjoy our 100k/150k thank you video? What would you like changed (lol usage of a mic, maybe) in our future thank you videos?

I currently am thinking about doing a Q&A session where we answer your questions again (w/ everyone together this time tho), the blindfolded feel-the-random-object-with-your-face game (hopefully you know what this is..atm I can't find a video demonstrating it) and the drink, dare or share game YSG/FOT came up with (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g79rRCbSZoE).

Would you like to see everyone do that together? or half the reactors do 1 game and half the other? 2 separate videos or everything together?

Also, what do you guys even /want/ to see in a thank you video? Not sure if I can include your ideas in this upcoming thank you video, but I will definitely look into them for a future one!

p.s.  I may also make a YT video asking about this too, but I wanted to reach out to you guys first.

p.p.s. Eric & I are brainstorming another (cheaper) pledge tier (that allows access to some un-edited reaction playlists) & it will be announced late Oct. so we can get it rollin' in Nov!)



Maybe do two groups of reactors if it's really hard to have everyone together in one taking. I kinda want to see everyone play the same game though, especially the blindfold game because seeing reactions to those are always golden. Oh, Q&A sessions are always fun! And maybe include a segment of some of the reactors trying Korean snacks for the first time?


The only request I have for the video is maybe having like a stationary camera to film everything. It was hard to focus for the last one since it only showed a few on screen and moved a lot.

Nicole Lee

The blindfold game is the best haha, I think it might even be interesting to see if they are willing to do some of the famous variety games that idols have to go through? You could probably take inspiration from shows like Weekly Idol :D


Yes that's where i'm getting most of my ideas actually haha! ( a lot from 'A Song For You' too)


James Corden does a version called Nuzzle Whaaaa? <a href="https://youtu.be/jI1FAzMYvWs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/jI1FAzMYvWs</a> Wasn't Peyton supposed to do a 200K dare/penalty? If it's not planned/done; include that if possible. I don't think YOU should spend a lot of effort trying to have everyone together. If someone else wants to volunteer to do it OK!


Thank you for the link! I'll send it to the reactors before we film so they know ahead of time what they'll be doing. and oops, yep! I plan on having Peyton open up the thankyou video (spoilers!)