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In this episode, we dig beneath the myth that Ocean City, New Jersey is a 'dry town' and attempt to uncover the prohibition-style secret society of White Claw-slammers that appear to be operating beneath the Ocean City Boardwalk. 

More Border soon. 

Also, we got a Patreon-exclusive behind-the-scenes show in the works right now, just for you guys. 





always exciting to see an email from Patreon / C5


Narc age...

Michael Pelletier

Idk if Andrew is suddenly comfortable letting his personality through in these videos or if he just got into some character shifting drug but dude is on one here

Gaius Nietzsche Patton

My friend did 4 summers as Ocean City beach patrol before moving on as a full time cop elsewhere in NJ. It’s 90% dealing with delinquent teens mostly from other states. The other part of it is the weird underdeveloped 18-20 something year olds that like to hang around them way too much. Including a couple furries.


This is funny af

Adam Saunders

I'll be thinking about the bathroom sage for a long time

Jeremy Johnson

Ocnj is absolutely the most corrupt town in new jersey hands down. I wouldve loved to have an interview but id get wiped off the map

Sygall Ould

I'm guessing Andrew was once an 8th grader...

Aysar B Gharaibeh

Love to see you having fun with this story after the total despair of SF and Philly

Michael Pelletier

I found it jarring lol seems like a risky line to walk-representing yourself as a journalist but occasionally it’s goofy and weird

Brady Aye

Andrew is goat. Best $ i’ve ever spent on a subscription.

Jeremy Johnson

Also just to say u did get a few things incorrect. U said ur going to 11th and central to drink under the boardwalk and central is in the middle of the island. Also u weren’t going over the longport bridge u were going over 34th

moo cow

the intro reminds me of old xfiles episodes where mulder would explain whats really going on. your work is excellent man, thank you!

Jeremy Johnson

Yes sir i run a few different businesses in oc and my family is filled with locals and business owners. Ocnj is so insanely corrupt

brad gilmore

I can't wait for the punchline in part 4. My balls are practically indigo

Strike Stone

“Every drink you can imagine! mango white claw!” 😭


the enthusiam and editing in this was cracking me up. good stuff!

jamie schicker

fucking crack up episode keep doing you bro


Stunning and brave Andrew… feel like I want to see a Salt Lake City Mormon follow up


Love the goofy vibe in this one

Levi Fallstrom

I am grateful for the goofiness. It was a much needed chuckle for me.

24-7 Watcher

This was a hilarious addition to the series, thank you

Tri M

“I feared that perhaps I was genuinely getting too old to have a conversation with 13 year olds” is relatable as a 24 year old

Matt Guastaferro

I never had the balls to go under the boardwalk . Shits sketchy

Alex M

lmfao budding alcoholics.

Mason Schreiber

that bag wine was direct evidence of a brandon buckingham visit

Ryan Svopa

Should try this Goofy vibe out when crossing the border

Danny Canales

I'm from monmouth county nj and got swept up in the heroin problem in 2008. So they sent me to John brooks rehab in Atlantic city. Once in a month if you were good you'd go out. They took us to ocean city because it's a clean town. People from Atlantic city knew this was a route for the rehab and we be in the areas they let us roam around a little bit. Sell discounted drugs with instructions on how to get drugs into the rehab by buying from them at certain times in the middle of the night by using string from 4 story's up. Literally across the street from resorts casino. Get them to give us drugs for money. Which some people could have family sneak to them. I've been clean since I entered that place. Went there and a halfway house after in 2013. Moral of the story. Everything is everywhere.

Theryn Martindale

Good shit! hope those liquor store workers dont get in trouble for the no id thing tho might have blown up the spot 🤣

Azzle Toof Toph

I think she didn’t ask for your ID because you’re approaching 30


Like an episode of Andy Griffith.


Lil Uzi vert at 26 Said if you're 25 or over you're an old head 💀

Matt Sydal

Man these videos are so great. When you have fun making them it really shows! (Can’t believe those booze smugglers didn’t force you to blur their faces lol)


Ngl the kid has some insane videos skills. I love the transition from serious to a lil goofy then back to serious as far as the feed goes. Always loved your form of journalism, it’s very relatable and is very easy to get lost in. Even when you were on bourbon it was just so raw and real and I love how you continue to embody that in your work.


I love it! 🤣 It’s interesting to see places like this exist. Ocnj had to implement a curfew over the summer of ‘23 because of rowdy teens having too much fun.


Mr. criss cross apple sauce was just coming off some ,ushrooms or somethin 😂

Andrew Hart

Is something wrong with my computer interacting with Patreon or do the videos load in a funny way for anybody else too?!


You’re too tall and textured to look under 21


More like no fun city 🤮


This is so funny ... Andrew hammin' it up! It's a nice reprieve from the border crisis videos.

Nate Lacroix

DAAAAAAANG. Pulitzer level shit! Love it!

Sweaty Palms

every video is either greatly educational informational and or hella entertaining


We need more info on Blackman island


Love the turnaround on the whole Episode, with reflecting on Legislation and drug use. Storytelling is on point i think.


wear your seatbelt dude we need you

Peter King

An incredible metaphor on a small scale for the bigger issues out there. Fantastic work again!

Trevor Moucha

a much more pressing and urgent issue than the border crisis.


put on yer seatbelt boy


good lad


bro I did not expect the long hair shirtless guy would yap all intellectual like

Mirko Ruhl

Me too, I was expecting a stereotypical hippie. But I didn't expect that


He’s been waiting his whole life for someone to ask his thoughts on prohibition lol

Justin Anders

You could never have a misconception talking to shirtless long hair guy

One Full Time Equivalent

shirtless long hair criss-cross whatever guy is just the post-post-post modern spoken-word David Foster Wallace

Galvin Moore

With how heavy some of the topics being covered lately have been, this was a much-appreciated change of pace. My Thursday has been vastly improved.


Bathroom guy was spitting some facts lowkey


WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE. maybe that franzia wine bag was from Brandon Buckinghams recent excursion in ocean city

Thomas Loyson

love your heavier journalism but also this stuff, keep it up

Richard Rafael

Y’all are killing it with the editing, the music, the historical context, everything! 🔥🔥🔥


quite some cojones i must say

Peter Carlson

Would love for when the series is done to get a full video of it like gets posted to YouTube but with the unedited stuff. Patreons video playback is not great for watching 4 parters.


dude if ur going to accuse her of not IDing you, you should blur her face in the youtube release. IDK what the laws are in the state ur in but in some states thats a literal actual crime, let alone enough reason to fire her (the place could lose their liquor license if they don’t)

Moistened Mann

say what you want about its importance, but I think this series, while genuinely adorable and hilarious, is pretty important for putting the other work in perspective

Stefan Djeric

not being IDd is so normal in Europe

Anna Money

Super impressed with your hip mobility in this one

Rodney Wooden

Can you collaborate with Conner O’Malley. Please

Caitlin Kuvalanka

Be careful for syringes down there bro

H Finnelly

take the music off of the interview with the hippe type, it distracts you from what he has to say and makes you not take his words as seriously

H Finnelly

the music is annoying ass shit in general

H Finnelly

i know im commenting a 3rd time but as i watch the video the music just keeps getting more and more annoying and takes away from the experience, it really doesn't feel like channel five. the reason i came to and enjoyed channel 5/agnb is how the people can just talk by themselves un interrupted. with the music the interviews and people just become forgettable satirical characters not real people.

Fire Flores

I really enjoyed this piece I can tell y’all had fun with this

Heartbleed (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-27 23:31:10 Other people have said it already but during interviews it should be silent. I think the music fits rather well in the transition scenes with your narration but it's somewhat distracting during an interview.
2024-01-27 23:31:10 Other people have said it already but during interviews it should be silent. I think the music fits rather well in the transition scenes with your narration but it's somewhat distracting during an interview.
2024-01-26 23:56:01 Other people have said it already but during interviews it should be silent. I think the music fits rather well in the transition scenes with your narration but it's somewhat distracting during an interview.

Other people have said it already but during interviews it should be silent. I think the music fits rather well in the transition scenes with your narration but it's somewhat distracting during an interview.

Heartbleed (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-27 23:31:10 I wouldn't assume Andrew is 35 but he definitely looks old enough.
2024-01-27 23:31:10 I wouldn't assume Andrew is 35 but he definitely looks old enough.
2024-01-27 00:07:23 I wouldn't assume Andrew is 35 but he definitely looks old enough.

I wouldn't assume Andrew is 35 but he definitely looks old enough.


Dude, wear a seatbelt.


Hot Fuzz 2, run Andrew... run!


Ya i mean he’s obviously old enough. Im under 35 and dont get ID’d either but I’m just saying in some places a public video like that can cause serious trouble for the person if it gets tracked back to her 🤷

Cassidy G

where is ocean city nights

Griffin Riguedell

Andrew is just playing with this episode I really don't expect him to take Ocean City as seriously as an open-air drug market


Another devastating cliffhanger

chaz izatt

If it's against the law they should ID everyone tho. What if the lady sells to minors? Maybe she needs to be watched ya know? Like I see what you're saying but also it's a super important step and basically the only responsibility of that job is to make sure people are of age... if you can't do that 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Maybe you need another job

chaz izatt

Also with that same thought process he should blur everyone's face who admits to drinking in ocean city 😂 because it's a dry town and it's against the law to do so


“Someone’s gotta do something about this.” 😂😂😂

Leonel Perez

This is the type on content I love! Please make more context like this.

Arham Nezami

This is a fun series because it's Andrew having fun in an area he grew up near to

adrian houston

I appreciate you making this light hearted and almost poking fun at your own journalism. Like, I can tell that this was sarcasm to try and say the people there that were genuinely enjoying the sober city was a mask to propaganize a secret underground drinking world😁😅. Sure yes you're right that there was evidence of drinking under the bridge. But that's as much a nuisance as you're edgy teen spray painting a penis in a bathroom wall. This video was almost a test to see if we can judge a video ourselves and see if what's being presented is worth taking serious, and when it's meant to be a parody. Belive me. The other video of you in the hand of that coyote was serious as a heart attack happening on Christmas day. Keep up the real journalism. 💯 we so need 1000 more people like you out there going into the chaos.

Gaius Nietzsche Patton (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-01 03:44:39 I have a friend who did 4 years as a beach cop during the summers in NJ. Your hippy “draft dodger” looking friend hanging outside the bathroom with the insightful thoughts is well known to the cops for eating raw chicken out of his van and hitting on underage girls. Just thought you should know
2024-01-28 06:01:36 I have a friend who did 4 years as a beach cop during the summers in Ocean City, NJ. Your hippy “draft dodger” looking friend hanging outside the bathroom with the insightful thoughts is well known to the cops for eating raw chicken out of his van and hitting on underage girls. Just thought you should know

I have a friend who did 4 years as a beach cop during the summers in Ocean City, NJ. Your hippy “draft dodger” looking friend hanging outside the bathroom with the insightful thoughts is well known to the cops for eating raw chicken out of his van and hitting on underage girls. Just thought you should know

Mike Schmitty

Do you drink I dont know Do you fuck with rap music? this is why i pay for our man


5:29 Andrew going for that PC Principal from South Park look

Aaron Johnson

In this episode, he visits all his old haunts lmao

Mario Zamudio

That shaggy fella is on to something 🤔


Watching this gave me ptsd from the time I chugged a water bottle of vodka under the OCNJ bridge as a kid


Not a great experience 😂 ended up getting sick asf at my homies grandparents that night

Corina Ganje

Long hair bro makes me feel like Channel 5 should pull their most philosophical/unhinged interviews together and do a full length Waking Life-esque movie

Fabian Vazquez

Zooming in on that guy multiple times 😂

Robin Bergfeldt

Detective andrew was fing awesome mane !!

Zachary German

im wondering that myself.. its why i signed up for patreon! not that i'm not happy to start supporting. but where is it??? (i went to high school there. some of my first drinking experiences for sure!)

John Dearborn

That draft dodger guy kept doing the "it's not.... it's more...." over and over again

ayden fallen

it’d be interesting if the “ban” was more of a psy-op to make people feel like they can’t be out of control. At this point most people ought to know that if you put a big red sticker on something saying do not touch, there’s gonna be a guy that comes along and sees that and will touch the thing. people are weird man and it seems like a pretty hard job to corral them

DTW Comedy.

I’m loving this

David N

nice to see some joke videos too xdd this was great

Bosh Paro

Is part 4 ever dropping?

Sean Beck

9:37 is that a bottle of Windex?

Wet Meat

thank god andrew is taking his productions seriously and not getting arrested. i sure hope he never fails to report.

Joseph H Craft

we need some silly ones. shit has been dark.

Tyler Durden

That's awesome! Blackman Island is where my friend, Monica, hangs out!


Just wondering when part 4s dropping stay real

Billy Goddin

Man appreciate the funny drop. Cause we needed that.


Hopping the border 2.0


Will there actually be a part 4 to this?

Adam baba

Part 4?


R we ever getting the part 4😞


This feels like The Truman Show but with alcohol xD

wow howrare

We need pt 4 !!¡‼‼


wen part 4?!


Andrew looks like PC principal from South Park

Raptor Jesus

PART 4 WHEN????????????????????????????????????

Seth Laster

There’s no part 4 because he got too close to the truth


Out of all the stuff he's done I subscribed for specifically this. GIVE IT UP SLIME

Simon Ambrose

Dude, when is part 4/4 coming out? I need to see what went down under the pier at night

Chris Carter

Part 4! Part 4! Part 4!

Rain Ungert

wheres 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


part 4!!!


yeeah man im here for that good shi--heywoah man! put that shit away! you KNOw im talkin bout that ocean city streets part 4/4

tyler schwartz

we need part 4 Andrew what are you hiding at least tell us why you can not post it...


Please part 4

Kai Fieberg

Where is part 4 "(


i need part 4 man this shit so funny


annoying that this seems to continuously happen with your videos.... where is the last one?

Mathew Ho

Brah, where is 4/4?! LOLZ "WHAT HAPPENED?"

Mathew Ho

I signed up bc your YouTube video said part 4 was here! And it's not here! Lies!

James Linus

Give us part 4

Evan Kruger

Where the hell is part 4? It's been awhile, was it removed? I originally signed up partly for that video. Would love to see it, or at least get some clarification regarding whether or not it will appear.

Izzy Smith

part 4 when


Part 4??

Bosh Paro

Why are we paying for "exclusive" content that airs on YouTube shortly after, especially when the Channel 5 team isn't finishing their projects or respecting the fan base enough to offer us a reason for why part 4 is missing?


Where is part 4?


Me too! Just got the Patreon so I could watch the rest of the ocean city stuff and it’s not even here??

Night Star Raider

Man I got scammed good. You ain't got no part 4 or exclusive content

Liam Wood

bro wut the honk where is part4

Alex Morales

Yo where is part 4