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Here is the final installment of our work with Jack the Bipper, from 'bipping a car' downtown, to reselling stolen goods at an illegal flea market in the Mission District of San Francisco. 

Many of you may notice that Jack is un-blurred in the video. 

This morning, Jack called me to let me know he'd seen the first installment of our series 'Jack the Bipper,' and that he was pleased with his portrayal. He also let me know that the City finally decided to crack down on him - a few weeks ago, he was sentenced to 4.5 years in Prison for a variety of charges. 

He thinks using facial blur is too 'Gangland'-esque and believes that it is important to allow himself to be humanized and hopes that this documentary will serve as  as a cautionary tale in regard to a life of drugs and crime. 

Hope you enjoy.

- AC 



Bro be careful!


Best $5 you can spend on the internet.

Julie Tulley

Ooohhhh that just hurts my soul to see this kid !!

David Wojcicki

Definitely follow up with him, he seems to have a decent head on his shoulders. He has the initiative and incentive to get his life back on track. Although unlikely for someone in his shoes I hope he gets to the point where he can see and support his son

Ryan Todd

Yooooooo where’s the blur faces?!

Simeon Ayton

That egg yolk though


This whole SF chapter has been my favorite work you’ve done yet. In a world hellbent on selling “content” it’s refreshing to see real human journalism surviving. Possibly the most genuine and unbiased look at a complex and heartbreaking side of California. Hard to watch kind people go down a bad road, hopefully Jack can turn things around when he gets out.


Just got to the part where you explained it lmao


I'm so thankful you exist, Andrew. You + 5's coverage is so raw, it lets me see how poorly so many are living all over the country. It also exposes the humanity behind wherever their hurt misguides them in life. Your work inspires me to try and help humanity however possible.


This was the one that made me subscribe. Good stuff! You guys came back with harder!!


jack has a lot of work to do and i hope he gets his shit together. But im glad he is paying for his crimes. This stealing shit is getting out of control people need to be held accountable.

Travis Bridges

Thanks for documenting these parts of life that are ignored by the masses. Growing up around folk like jack and seeing them end up dead or in prison and hearing people that never knew them talk down on them for their poor decisions due to their circumstances is the worst. It’s not over until it’s over and we all deserve redemption.