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Alrighty, this being the last set of post for the year, I figured I could tackle the "Decem-Bear" and "DnDcember" at the same time with this one. So, meet, Bubba!
So for context, this ties back again to our Current DnD game that I'm in and this is an NPC that we were sorta built up to meet. long story short, he was a royal that ran away from his Parents since they were over protective ( their older son was kidnapped so they were like that for a reason ) and ran off to sail far away from his home with a group of pirates that took him in, the same band of pirates that our group have tangled themselves into. While he was with the pirates, an incident happened that lead to the death of their captain and shortly Bubba disappeared. Fast forward to current day, our group stumbled on a portal that lead to a hidden city that eventually answered the question of where Bubba ended up. Found out hes running a Bar and draws his patrons.  So it was an interesting meeting and we eventually convinced him to come back with us when the time is right to meet his parents again since its been some time.

SO as a Debrief I would like to think the first image is like YEAR : ONE of being a pirate. He draws the crew and stuff and is more of a Work in Progress kind of person.
Where as the second image is the state of how we found him where hes FULL pirate after some years.  trying to imbody his late captain which at some point I'll draw. SOOOOOOOn



Yoked Coder

Ahh, to be a certain bears paw ring


He's a cutie who grow'd up. Aw... 😍


love the progression and confidence as a full-fledged pirate!