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SO FUNNY ENOUGH... I didn't plan to do this but Ethan suggested cuz it was Goofy Day and he was also doing something Disney/Goofy related so I thought, WHY NOT! Have Goof B go Door to Door asking for signatures and stumbling on the right porch of a Dad and trying to conceal a stiffy.

I never Drew Roxanne's Dad before but I think I did alright for my First try Haha

But man I need to draw Goof B more often though... maybe I can spend some time practicing if you guys are down for it. 



Scotch P

*click* this one is going in my hot and horny dad collection 📸😏💦


Oh this is lovely. Heck yeah more Goof B, maybe fawning over (or just getting reamed by) Pete next time, you draw a VERY good Pete