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Alright so with this batch... still on my D&D binge, one of these weren't really planed but yeah.

the Silver Dragonborn was a product of a Stream I did last Saturday, not much to go on with him since I made him on the spot but I would like to think he's a Champion Fighter Class that works as a mercenary.

The Gold Filled Muzzle Hyena is Gabriel, a bardic Hyena thats in a gang of Music based bandits. Hes actually a NPC in a game that I'm in and once the detail that he has a golden Grill, I just HAD to draw him. 




Ong I really like your silver dude. I need to commission you sometime for sure. xD Your dragons are awesome!

Hr. Seehund

Beware of Gabriel's 24 Karat Crunch.